
Framework that supports pipeline federated split learning with multiple hops.

Primary LanguageC++

You can check the full paper: MP-SL: Multihop Parallel Split Learning (arXiv:2402.00208 )

For a more detailed description of the documentation follow this link or check the wiki.

Repository structure:

  • directory datasets/ : Contains source code to load a dataset into a dataloader.

    NOTE1: The Pytorch C++ Frontend at this point does not support an API for dataset download like the torchvision.dataset does. So, make sure you have downloaded the datasets locally and provide the corresponding directories before starting training.

    NOTE2: Inside the file datasets\mydataset.h we define the file path that leads to the dataset's files. Please change this path according to where you aim to store the datasets on your machine.

    we declare the enum mydataset::dataset to use one of the options below:

  • directory models/ : implementation of state-of-the-art neural networks in pytorch C++ Frontend.

  • main.cpp: Main code that is used to profile or train the models.

  • directory utils/: Contains the libraries for logging and split learning training.

  • directory pipeline_simulation/: Here we implement SplitFL's components.

    • module: Split Learning engine:
      • State.h
      • Task.h
      • systemAPI.cpp
      • systemAPI.h: contains the API of the module.
    • module Task delivery:
      • Message.h
      • network_layer.cpp
      • network_layer.h: contains the API of the module.
    • Main Entities:
      • compute_node.cpp
      • data_owner.cpp
      • aggregator.cpp
    • directory profiling/: This is used to emulate data owners and run experiments with many data owners.

How to run the program and connect Libtorch:

  • Requirements:

    • Create Python environment for package management with python version $\geq 3.7$
    • Install pytorch from Pytorch website.
    • cmake > 3.
    • c++17 and gcc > 8.
    • Create a directory third_party/ and git clone the code for argparse.
  • To compile the framework use the Makefile, and follow the steps below:

    $ source /filepath/to/python/environment %Activate python environment.
    $ mkdir build 
    $ cd build
    $ cmake -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=`python -c 'import torch;print(torch.utils.cmake_prefix_path)'` ..
    $ cmake --build . --config Release

Running SplitFL in a distributed manner:

Case 0: Model profiling An example code is in main, you can either get the delay for each batch or get the per-layer delay.

Case 1: Real system

In this case, you will run the data owners as real devices. You can run all entities in one machine or use different devices (within the same network)

  • If you cannot use multicast:
    • comment on the following parts in the code:
      • in data_owner.cpp: Comment the findPeers() call and the findInit()
      • in compute_node.cpp: Comment the findInit()
      • in aggregator.cpp: Comment the findInit()
      • in network_layer.cpp: comment line 506 of version 1.0.0
    • update the rooting table in pipeline_simulation/network_layer.h

For each data owner device call:

$ ./data_owner -i id -d <list-of-data-owners> -c <list-of-compute-nodes> -s <split-rule>

If not an init data owner you give the node's id

For each compute node device call:

$ ./compute_node -i id

or use script run_cn.sh in pipeline_simulation/profiling

For the aggregator:

$ ./aggregator -i id -d <number-of-data-owners> -c <number-of-compute-nodes>

or use script run_aggr.sh in pipeline_simulation/profiling

NOTE: There is support for logging and checkpointing but this feature is deactivated for this version. You can use the utils/pipeline_logging.sh to do so.

Case 3: Emulated environment

In this case, the data owners are running in an emulated environment. Note that this version does not support multicast. You can add in the pipeline_simulation/profiling/rpi_stat.h the device characteristics and use the script run_data_owners_init.sh and run_data_owners_worker.sh in pipeline_simulation/profiling. The results are stored in log files as indicated in the script files (change them accordingly)

The code for the emulated data owner is in pipeline_simulation/profiling/data_owner_simulatede.cpp

If you find our work interesting and would like to use our repository. Please cite our work:

      title={MP-SL: Multihop Parallel Split Learning},
      author={Tirana, Joana and Lalis, Spyros and Chatzopoulos, Dimitris},
      booktitle={ArXiv. /abs/2402.00208},