
docs: incorrect difficulty modifiers

ricmzn opened this issue · 0 comments

It looks like in the docs, the difficulty modifiers have modifier_reward and modifier_loss flipped around.

Docs: https://github.com/jtoppins/dct/blob/1606d02830fb83ef9f868fe76f920eeb99a32ff0/docs/designer.md#difficulty


local settings = {
["easy"] = {
["player_cost"] = 1.0,
["modifier_loss"] = 0.5,
["modifier_reward"] = 1.5,
["normal"] = {
["player_cost"] = 1.0,
["modifier_loss"] = 1.0,
["modifier_reward"] = 1.0,
["hard"] = {
["player_cost"] = 1.0,
["modifier_loss"] = 1.5,
["modifier_reward"] = 0.5,
["realistic"] = {
["player_cost"] = 1.0,
["modifier_loss"] = 1.0,
["modifier_reward"] = 0,
["custom"] = {

This makes the docs give the impression that "easy" and "hard" are swapped, and that "realistic" would cause a coalition to never be able to lose, but the code is actually correct.