
Error in Process Monitor and Fuzzing never starts

Akim10150 opened this issue · 4 comments

Hi everyone!
When I try to run the boofuzz with the process monitor and vulnserver, I get errors in the process monitor and the fuzzing never starts.

Here is a screenshot of the process_monitor.py error:


Here is the Python Script I'm trying to use:


from boofuzz import *

target_ip = ""
options = {"proc_name" : "vulnserver.exe", "stop_commands": ['wmic process where (name="vulnserver.exe") delete'], "start_commands": ['C:\users\ieuser\desktop\vulnserver\vulnserver.exe']}
procmon = ProcessMonitor(target_ip,26002)
monitors = [procmon]
session = Session(target=Target(connection=SocketConnection(target_ip,9999, proto='tcp'),monitors=monitors),sleep_time=1)

s_delim(" ",fuzzable=False)

Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.


Thanks for the report @Akim10150!

I have just tested some very similar case on Linux where it works fine.
That exception from your screenshot might be a bug in the procmon related to Windows. I'll take a look at that once I get a debugger on Windows running.

About the proc_name option for procmon, that is only needed if your start command will spawn another process and exits if I remember correctly.
From the log it looks like vulnserver.exe never exits and is waiting for connections. In that case you should omit the proc_name option and see if that works.

Thank you for you response @SR4ven :)

Removing proc_name fixed the problem with not starting the fuzzing, but now the process monitor is saying every fuzzing attempt is a crash. I don't think the 8 byte input in one of the screenshots should be a crash.


Boo Fuzz is awesome! I can't wait till I figure out how to use it properly.

This looks to me like a problem with the process monitor (see the "Bind failed" message). Did you figure it out eventually or is it still a problem?

The process monitor RPC is a bit janky and in need of a rewrite. To me, it seems like communication between boofuzz and the process monitor is lost, which is wrongly labled as a test case failure.