
Is it possible to fuzz RIP with boofuzz?

entroychang opened this issue · 3 comments

Well ... since RIP protocol uses UDP packets to communicate. I'm not sure that boofuzz is able to detect "crack".

from boofuzz import *
def post_test_callback(target, fuzz_data_logger, session, sock, *args, **kwargs):
    # res = target.recv(2000)
    print("=" * 20)
    # print(dir(target))
    # print("res:", res)
    # print("=" * 20)

def main():
    session = Session(
            connection=UDPSocketConnection(host="", port=520),

    if s_block_start("RIP_BLOCK"):
        fuzzable = True
        s_byte(0x00, name='COM', fuzzable=fuzzable)
        s_byte(0x02, name='Ver', fuzzable=fuzzable)
        s_word(0x0000, name='RD', fuzzable=fuzzable)
        s_word(0x0200, name='AFI', fuzzable=fuzzable)
        s_word(0x0100, name='RT', fuzzable=fuzzable)
        s_dword(0xc0a86986, name='IP', fuzzable=fuzzable)
        s_dword(0x00000000, name='SM', fuzzable=fuzzable)
        s_dword(0x00000000, name='NH', fuzzable=fuzzable)
        s_dword(0x1, name='mertic', fuzzable=fuzzable)


    a = session.connect(s_get("RIP"))


if __name__ == "__main__":

I'm pretty sure I send a correct packet using the code above.
Is it possible to fuzz RIP with boofuzz?
It's a tough time ;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`

Sorry for the delayed answer.
What exactly is the problem you're facing? Your scripts looks fine on first sight.
Did you use Wireshark to verify your packets are valid?

Well ... the main problem I face is how to detect the rip server whether it is crash or not. However it is impossible detect it with boofuzz since rip server is UDP protocol.
In fact, me and my partner had solved the problem few weeks ago. We send a normal rip request to check, using scapy, because rip server will response it. The code is as follow:

from boofuzz import * 
import os
import time
from scapy.all import IP, UDP, RIP, RIPEntry, sr1 

target_host = ''
target_port = 520

local_bind = ("", 520) # local (host, port)

def check_live(host, port):
    ip_header = IP(dst=host)
    udp_header = UDP(dport=port, sport=port)
    rip_header = RIP(cmd=1, version=2, null=0)

    rip_body = RIPEntry(addr=host)

    px = ip_header/udp_header/rip_header/rip_body
        res = sr1(px, timeout = 10)
        if res[RIP].cmd == 2:
            return True

    print("\nCheck_live: Timeout or Error!!")

    return False

def main():
    session = Session(
            connection=UDPSocketConnection(host=target_host, port=target_port, bind=local_bind),
        pre_send_callbacks =[pre_send_callback],


    if s_block_start("RIP_BLOCK"):
        fuzzable = True

        s_byte(0x01, name='COM', endian=BIG_ENDIAN, fuzzable=fuzzable)
        s_byte(0x02, name='Ver', endian=BIG_ENDIAN, fuzzable=fuzzable)
        s_word(0x0000, name='RD', endian=BIG_ENDIAN, fuzzable=fuzzable)
        s_word(0x0002, name='AFI', endian=BIG_ENDIAN, fuzzable=fuzzable)
        s_word(0x0001, name='RT', endian=BIG_ENDIAN, fuzzable=fuzzable)
        s_dword(0xc0a82865, name='IP', endian=BIG_ENDIAN, fuzzable=fuzzable)
        s_dword(0x00000000, name='SM', endian=BIG_ENDIAN, fuzzable=fuzzable)
        s_dword(0x00000000, name='NH', endian=BIG_ENDIAN, fuzzable=fuzzable)
        s_dword(0x1, name='mertic', endian=BIG_ENDIAN, fuzzable=fuzzable)


    a = session.connect(s_get("RIP"))


if __name__ == "__main__":

Thanks for sharing your solution @entroy0421!