
Top bar doesn't display any info, 404

andrewhli opened this issue · 1 comments


Here are my steps so far:

### Version
jupyter lab v3.1.12

### Install extensions
pip3 install jupyter-resource-usage
pip3 install jupyterlab-topbar
pip3 install jupyterlab-system-monitor

### Customize config
vi /home/ec2-user/.jupyter/jupyter_notebook_config.py

# Monitor resource usage: t3.medium (4 GiB memory * 1024^3, 2 vCPU)
# memory
c.ResourceUseDisplay.mem_limit = 4294967296
# cpu
c.ResourceUseDisplay.track_cpu_percent = True
c.ResourceUseDisplay.cpu_limit = 2

However, the top bar is not displaying any info, and the console displays this 404 error:

GET https://url.com/api/metrics/v1?1631652187807 404 (Not Found)

Screen Shot 2021-09-14 at 3 39 22 PM

Resolved. I just needed to run jupyter serverextension enable jupyter_resource_usage