
Resizing figures

Closed this issue · 3 comments

I resized all the graphs in chapter 3.
Basically I am using the chunk option following:
-base size: fig.width=4, fig.height=3
-median: 1.2x base size
-large: 1.5x base size

Some of the figures do not follow as I think they look better using some other sizes.

  • Also, I noticed that the link to EDAV 1.0 actually points to EDAV 2.0 on the index page.

Also added additional resources section for boxplot.

jtr13 commented

The figure sizes look great! I also like the the descriptive titles on the graphs which make it very clear what each is showing.

The Orange dataset unfortunately is not a good choice for boxplots since all of the values in each boxplot represent a measurement of the same tree over time, rather than, say, a distribution of a measurement of different trees all of the same type. (Sorry I missed this earlier.) A better choice is the chickwts dataset used in the 1st ed. You can leave out the "Casein Makes You Fat?!" title.

In terms of the link, are you referring to the one on this page: https://edav.info/index.html ? When I click on it, it takes me to the first edition. Is that not working for you?

I think it's just a problem with the browser cache or something, it directs to the first edition when I am using my pc :)
We will change the boxplot example.

jtr13 commented

Oh maybe that's it. I'll open another issue for the boxplot example. Thanks!