show dialog by code
smallwind1912 opened this issue · 1 comments
I want to use simpledialog show by javascript code just look like when we call alert() function
I only know use simpledialog show when user click
Any body can tell me how to do that?
Thank you
Any time you call simpledialog({ ... }) it will open a dialog - when I want to do general popups, I usually use something like:
var first = $('.ui-page-active').first('.ui-content');
first.simpledialog({ ... });
Note: cleanOnClose: true is your friend here, however, if you allow dialog mode, things go poorly - either disallow dialog (useDialogForceFalse: true) or, use fullscreen instead (fullScreen: true)
This is an older example of calling it as a function:
Note that it would be better to use the 'cleanOnClose' option, and omit any references to sbCleanUp in that example.