This software provides an easy-to-deploy PAPI authentication server.
PAPI is a system for providing access control to restricted information resources across the Internet. It intends to keep authentication as an issue local to the organization the user belongs to, while leaving the information providers full control over the resources they offer (
- Get the code. The easier and quicker way to do that is by downloading from:
But if you can prefer a versioned and up to date copy, you should use a git client:
git clone
cd itePAPIas
git submodule init
git submodule update
Configure the AS by editing the config.php file (see the next section).
That's all, now you can access the AS through the following URL:
In order to test the Authentication Server (AS) you need a web application (service provider) which perform a identification request on the AS. If you haven't yet such service provider, you can perform the test through the following URL:
You can try with the username "anselmo" and password "pruebas".
Important! You must make writable to the web server the 'src/phpPoA-2.3/log' directory in order to run succesfully the test.
The configuration is made by using a single PHP hierarchical associative array located in config/config.php file.
$config = array(
'id' => 'example-AS',
'prvkey_file' => __DIR__ . '/pkey.pem',
'pubkey_file' => __DIR__.'/pubkey.pem',
'log_file' => '/tmp/as_log',
'ttl' => 3600,
'message_no_auth' => 'Incorrect user and/or password',
'debug' => 'true',
'connector' => array(
'name' => 'Symfonite',
'config'=> array(
'dsn' => 'mysql:dbname=edae3;host=localhost',
'dbuser' => 'root',
'dbpass' => 'root',
'filters' => array(
'url_test' => 'http://localhost/itePAPIas/web/index.php/signin',
: The identification name of the AS -
: The path to the file with the private key used to sign the assertions builded by this AS. -
: The path to the file with the public key used corresponding to the private key. This file is only needed to perform the test action. Also it can be used as a reference of the corresponding public key. -
: The path to the log file -
: Session cookie Time To Live -
: Message to show when the authentication process is not correct. -
: User to activate/deactivate the debug functionality. When it is active all the catched exception are show with verbosity in order to help the debugging process. Else, just an error 500 is shown. -
: associative array with the connectors configuration data. It must include two elements: $config['connector']['name'] witch is the connector name, and $config['connector']['config'] is an associative array with the connector configuration data. Each connector defines its configuration array. -
: associative arrar with the chain of filter to be applied on the attributes returned by the connector. -
: The test action url.
private key file:
openssl genrsa -out mykey.pem 1024
public key file:
openssl rsa -in pkey.pem -pubout > pubkey.pem
It's highly recommended to set the 'web' directory as the document root of your web server.
You can find in a commented section of the config file a configuration example for every connector.
This connector retrieves the user attributes from a LDAP service.
This is an very simple connector which takes the user attributes directly from an array. It is intended to show the connector structure and to help to develop your own connectors.
As the Simple Connector, this one takes the user attributes directly from an array, but it also needs an identification number (DNI), besides the usual username and password credentials, to perform the authentication. This connector is intended to show how to develop connectors which use credentials beyond the usual username and password. Here you can see how to include a form with the data you need to perform the authentication process.
A connector to retrieve the user attribute from an PDO compatible database by means of a simple SQL query.
A connector to retrive the user attribute from a symfonite system
The connector is a service used by the PAPI AS framework in order to retrieve the user's attributes from the information system where his data are stored (a database, a LDAP directory service, a file, etc). The connector must be imple- mented as a class with several required public method (an interface). We are going to describe how to develop a connector to access your information service.
All the connectors reside in the src/TeyDe/Papi/Connectors directory. You must create a directory named {connector_name} under such ubication. For example, to create a connector named "Simple"[2], we create the directory:
A class named 'Connector' belonging to the namespace
will provide the interface needed to access the information system where the attributes are stored and will return these attributes to the AS. This class must reside into a file named 'Connector.php'. The interface is composed by three public methods:
public function __construct($data, $config=null){}
public function isAuthenticated(){}
public function getAttributes(){}
The '__construct($data, $config=null)' method is going to initialize the object with the data collected by the login form. If you are going to use the default form, then the $data argument is a two element associative array wich keys are 'username' and 'password', and which values are what you can imagine. If needed, the login form and the data collected by him can be redefined. How to do this will be later explained.
if the connector needs some configuration parameters, you should define them in the '$config['connector]['config']' array of the config.php file. For example:
$config = array(
'connector' => array(
'name' => 'Symfonite',
'config'=> array(
'dsn' => 'mysql:dbname=edae3;host=localhost',
'dbuser' => 'root',
'dbpass' => 'root',
The $config parameter of the __construct method is set with the '$config['connector]['config']' value.
The 'isAuthenticated()' method must return true if the data retrieved from the login form corresponds to a authenticated user in the information systemm and false otherwise.
The 'getAttributes()' method must returned a normalized array of attributes associated to the user. Such array must be an associative array which keys are the names of the attributes and wich values can be scalars with the attributes values or arrays of values when the attribute is multi-valued. For example:
$attributes = array(
'attr1' => val1,
'attr2' => array(val21,val22,val23),
And that's all folks!. Now you can use the your new connector by setting the rigth params in the configuration file by setting the '$config['connector']' array.
You should take a look at the existing connectors in order to get a better insight into the connector development.
The usual way to perform the identification proccess is through an username and password pair. So most of the connector can share the same identification form. However, this won't be right for every case. If the connector you are going to develop needs another set of data, you must redefine the identification form in order to ask the required set of data. To do this you must follow these steps:
- In the connector directory (src/TeyDe/Connectors/{connector_name} you have to create a class named SigninParamenters in the 'TeyDe\Papi\Connectors{connector_name} namespace. This class is intended to define the form params and the way they must be validated on the server side. To define the form params, the class must declare them as accesible attributes (they can be made public or private with the corresponding getters and setters). This class must also implement two method:
public function bind($data), will map to the class attributes the data collected by the form and represented by the argument $data, which is an associative array like this: array( 'field_1' => 'value_1', ... 'field_n' => 'value_n', )
public static function loadValidatorMetadata(ClassMetadata $metadata), which defines the validation rules applied on the form data (see
- In the connector directory (src/TeyDe/Connectors/{connector_name} you have to create the form template named 'signinForm.tmp.php' which will be rendered to the client.
The best way to undertand all this, is by studying the SimpleWithForm connector included with this software.
Once the user attributes have been retrieved thanks to the connector, the PAPI framework can filter them before the PAPI assertion is built and sent.
You can use the available filters which reside in the
In order to use these filters you must add them to the filters section of the $config array in the config/congig.php file:
'filters' => array( '0' => array( 'class_name' => 'AttributePrune', 'config' => array( 'attributes_to_prune' => array('att1', 'ePa'), ), ),
'1' => array(
'class_name' => 'AttributeReverse',
'config' => array(),
You can add as many filters as you want to the sequence. The documentation of each filter must explain the correct values of its parameters.
Create a new filter is as easy as create a new class wich defines a public static method called 'execute($attributes, $configuration)'. Such method must get as the first argument the attributes array and as the second an array with the configuration defined in the $config array. The method must return an array with the filtered attributes.
Take a look at the classes defined in the 'lib/filters' directory to see how simple is a filter implementation.
Copyright 2011 Juan David Rodríguez García (
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see
The current software uses the following third parties sofware as libraries:
- silex (, MIT License
- Symfony/Component/Validator (, MIT License
- phpPoA-2.3 (, GNU License
- Improve the configuration system
- Improve de logger system
- Add Service Provider filter
- the getLDAPException method of TeyDe\Papi\Connectors\LDAP\LDAP class is not implemented (neither in the original simpleSAMLphp class)
[2]: This connector is included as example with the software