
A small server doing text summarization with NLP

Primary LanguagePython

Task - Text summarization service with simple NLP and Python

Current implementation

  • Sumy library for simple text summarization
  • Flask for providing a REST endpoint
  • SQLLite, which is already part of Python


  • Same documents are only generated once
  • Different algorithms from sumy could be used: "TextRankSummarizer", "LexRankSummarizer", "LuhnSummarizer" "LsaSummarizer"
  • Data is stored in database and will survive server restarts
  • REST endpoints following the REST pattern for get and save
  • Invalid data is handled with 400, 404 erros

The implementation is using Flask as a REST service endpoint. It provides the capability to summarize any text which could be later retrived with an unique document id.


  • start main.py to start the server
  • call REST endpoints with any REST client or framework

To submit a new text, use a POST command which returns also the generated document id of the provided text. POST call to

{ "text" : "The Jedi and their troops set a trap for Grievous and confronted the cyborg general once he arrived. However, Grievous was able to eliminate several clone troopers, and after sustaining injuries, escape to the castle's secret command center. Sealing off the exits, the Confederate general trapped the Jedi and clones inside his castle. While Grievous was repaired by his caretaker droid, the general pitted the Jedi and the remaining clones against the castle's defenses—a molten incinerator pit and the general's pet roggwart, Gor. The clones were killed, but the Jedi were able to eliminate Gor." }

With the GET command, you will get the text summary, generated by very simple NLP. GET call to

Result containing the summarized text:

{ "document_id": "a2e4b959b65d778c53aa6e0aa3a1b659", "summary": "Sealing off the exits, the Confederate general trapped the Jedi and clones inside his castle.While Grievous was repaired by his caretaker droid, the general pitted the Jedi and the remaining clones against the castle's defenses—a molten incinerator pit and the general's pet roggwart, Gor." }

Possible improvements

  • Make the summary in sentence amount linear the original text. Larger original text will then produce larger summary text
  • Using better NLP approaches like transformers (BERT) and transfer learning, which are able to produce better summarizations of text
  • Containerize solution and consider horizontal scaling possibilities
  • Create index on DOCUMENT_ID field in the database to improve access speed
  • Use a real and scalable database to store the data. Think of NoSQL databases to stpore the texts
  • Better hashing methods to generate document_id
  • Support different languages
  • More extended and detailed tests