
Feature request: provide the URL of an image

spencerwi opened this issue · 3 comments

I've built a TUI Miniflux client that uses this lib for converting contents of RSS feed entries into something readable in the terminal, and it's great.

The only thing missing is that I'd love a way to just spit out the URL for an image when one is present (or do some other sort of processing with that URL, like giving it to the user in another way). Currently, the RichAnnotation::Image enum member doesn't provide any way to get the image's src attribute, so I can't actually do that (instead, I either show alt text or nothing).

I agree, that's an obvious think to want. Thanks for the request and matching MR!

FYI I've released 0.5.0 with this change. Thanks again!

Awesome, I incorporated that release and now my miniflux client is more complete. Thank you for the merge and release!