
Rocket: Incorrectly derived query parameters defined as `<foo..>`

Closed this issue · 7 comments

dyc3 commented

I'm trying to add pagination query parameters to some endpoints in my Rocket 0.5 project.

#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, FromForm, ToSchema, IntoParams)]
#[into_params(parameter_in = Query, style = Form)]
pub struct PageParams {
    pub page: u64,
    pub per_page: u64,

I originally defined my endpoint like this:

    context_path = "/user/api_keys",
        (status = 200, body = Paginated<Item>),
        (status = 400, body = ()),
async fn list_items(
    page: Option<PageParams>,
) -> Result<Paginated<Item>>, Status> {

This cased the following to be emitted in the parameters field in the spec:

- name: page
  in: query
  required: false
      - type: 'null'
      - $ref: '#/components/schemas/PageParams'

To attempt to work around it, I figured out how I'm actually supposed to use IntoParams.

I originally defined my endpoint like this:

    context_path = "/user/api_keys",
        (status = 200, body = Paginated<Item>),
        (status = 400, body = ()),
async fn list_items(
    page: Option<PageParams>,
) -> Result<Paginated<Item>>, Status> {

This emits the parameters correctly, but it still emits the incorrect, auto derived page parameter too.

      - name: page
        in: query
        required: true
          type: integer
          format: int64
          minimum: 0
        style: form
      - name: per_page
        in: query
        required: true
          type: integer
          format: int64
          minimum: 0
        style: form
      - name: page
        in: query
        required: false
          - type: 'null'
          - $ref: '#/components/schemas/PageParams'

Right, I suppose this is with the latest beta since there is at least the openapi 3.1 going on. Those IntoParams should not implement ToSchema but need to investigate why the query params are not filtered out correctly with rocket.

dyc3 commented

Ah yes, I forgot to mention that I am using 5.0.0-beta.0. If you give me a couple code pointers, I'd be happy to send a PR.

Okay, sure. First you should run the code with default-features = false and use debug feature at least (for debugging the types) and then with the rocket_extras feature flag and macros feature flag. E.g. I am running with following features.

    "cargo": {
        "buildScripts": {
            "rebuildOnSave": false
        "noDefaultFeatures": true,
        "features": [

Then the code for this lives in ext.rs and ext/rocket.rs in utoipa-gen. Good idea is to create a test to test/path_derive_rocket.rs for scenario above and then start debugging e.g. with dbg!(..) macro what happens in utoipa-gen/src/lib.rs path attribute macro when it resolves the query parameters for rocket. This is the entry point:

pub fn path(attr: TokenStream, item: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {

The interesting part should be in here, what happens here:


Lines 1757 to 1770 in 8d5149f

let (arguments, into_params_types, body) =
match PathOperations::resolve_arguments(&ast_fn.sig.inputs, path_args, body) {
Ok(args) => args,
Err(diagnostics) => return diagnostics.into_token_stream().into(),
let parameters = arguments

dyc3 commented

Thanks! I'll take a look tomorrow.

dyc3 commented

I don't think this is as trivial to fix as I thought.

The parameter resolution just takes into account the function arguments. There's no way to get the contents of PageParams without accessing the ToSchema impl to get the actual fields, which AFAIK requires the parameters to be resolved at runtime.

Right, if it gets to that, then for sure that is not really possible in any realistic terms. And yes because from code like below, there is no way to distinct the page param from a struct that implements IntoParams from primitive types. Or is it? Maybe we can filter out the parameters that are not primitive types from being added as params to the path. 🤔

   context_path = "/user/api_keys",
       (status = 200, body = Paginated<Item>),
       (status = 400, body = ()),
async fn list_items(
   page: Option<PageParams>,
) -> Result<Paginated<Item>>, Status> {

There was actually bug in resolving trailing query parameters. If the page was defined without Option<PageParams> it would have worked. The following will work, but there is PR #1089 that fixes this for rocket allowing it to be wrapped with Option.

async fn list_items(
   page: PageParams,
)  {}