

ily666666 opened this issue · 6 comments


Seems that they use 400*400 size during influence rather than original image size

Seems that they use 400*400 size during influence rather than original image size


see the performance of PFENet on COCO, a fixed size generates a higher performance than the original size.

对于FSS数据集,他们本来就有一个固定的尺寸224224,变换到400400 影响应该不大.

@ily666666 @zbf1991

During both training and evaluation, we use fixed image size of 400 x 400 following recent state of the arts. For example, PPNet and RePRI both use spatial size of 417 x 417 for the input images. PFENet uses both fixed (473 x 473) and original image sizes in its evaluation. In our experiments, we found that larger image sizes typically (> 417) result in better mIoU results but we use image size of 400 x 400 as the image sizes of 417x417 and 473x473 seemed random numbers to us and our model with the size of 400 x 400 already surpassed previous state of the arts. To see the primary source of performance improvements, please refer ablation study in Section 5.2 of our paper.


