
Crashes game

imendezr opened this issue · 4 comments

The 'Junior_Djjr' version you based of this project works with no problem, but I can't use yours because it crashes when loading or starting a new game. I hope you fix it, because I really would like to use this version for story missions.

For what I can read it says something about timecycle, the only mods I have regarding that are "Skyline Timecyc" that requires "24h TimeCycle".
This is the log file:

Unhandled exception at 0x0055F617 in gta_sa.exe (+0x15f617): 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0xAE781E68.
Register dump:
EAX: 0x0177F078 EBX: 0x00000008 ECX: 0x99D04800 EDX: 0x99D04800
EDI: 0x00000000 ESI: 0x00000000 EBP: 0x00000009 EIP: 0x0055F617
ESP: 0x0177EDF8 EFL: 0x00010A57 CS: 0x00000023 SS: 0x0000002B
GS: 0x0000002B FS: 0x00000053 ES: 0x0000002B DS: 0x0000002B

Stack dump:
    0x0177EDF8:  C4D00000 00000000 00560618 00000000 00000000 0000001F
    0x0177EE10:  00000000 0177F2FC 00000001 7ADEE97D 00000000 3F7EB852
    0x0177EE28:  00000009 25D64CD0 3F7EB850 25D64FC4 00000000 00B73710
    0x0177EE40:  00000000 00000000 3BA3D800 3BA3D70B 00000008 00000000
    0x0177EE58:  00000000 00000000 3F733334 BEE66667 00000000 021C0300
    0x0177EE70:  4ABB0188 4ABB019C 0177EF00 7734C673 00000053 00000020
    0x0177EE88:  00000000 01990000 00000000 00000000 3F800000 C47A4000
    0x0177EEA0:  05267B48 3F800000 3F800000 415CDC14 001B0000 79C5BB6B
    0x0177EEB8:  00000000 0177F11C 0F721C00 00000000 00000000 0177F10C
    0x0177EED0:  00000002 00000018 001B01C4 00000004 00000003 001B0000
    base: 0x01580000   top: 0x0177EDF8   bottom: 0x01780000
Backtrace (may be wrong):
    =>0x0055F617 CTimeCycleCurrent::GetInfo+0x167 in gta_sa.exe (+0x15f617) (0x0177EDFC) 
      0x00560618 _ZN10CTimeCycle19CalcColoursForPointE7CVectorP10CColourSet+0x248 in gta_sa.exe (+0x160618) 

Well the mod doesn't call the function listed in the backtrace at any point and generally doesn't do anything with the timecycle. I also have 24 Hour Timecycle installed and have never encountered this issue. Do you mind providing your complete modlist?

I currently have +80 mods, so to avoid giving you a giant list I was removing mods to see which was conflicting with yours and I found it.
It's "GraphicsTweaker", I mostly use it to make the game brighter because my timecyc mod makes the game very dark, notably in the nights.

As I mentioned early, the base GPS Line Mod is compatible with GraphicsTweaker. I don't know what changes have you done to it but I appreciate if you fix it.


This is the link to the mod mentioned.

Right so this is most likely an issue with GraphicsTweaker as it directly modifies the timecycle. Closing this for now.