Some problems during assembly and startup fbcp-ili9341
Victuar98 opened this issue · 1 comments
Good day, dear community!) 2 questions. 1 - when compiling fbcp-ili9341 I get a warning about an unknown hardware configuration of the CPU (I have a dual-core RPi Z W2). In addition, I get a number of messages related to SPI (purple lines), apparently this is not critical. Adding to the parameter -DSINGLE_CORE_BOARD=OFF, not helps, but the file is being compiled successfully. However, I wanted to make sure that this message did not appear, or rather, to use a dual-core configuration. 2 - after running sudo ./fbcp-ili9341, I get the error "vc_dispmanx_display_open failed! Make sure to have hdmi_force_hotplug=1 setting in /boot/config.txt", although the line "hdmi_force_hotplug=1" is present. The error was suppressed by disabling the line "dtoverlay=vc4-fkms-v3d". However, I don’t know if this is correct? Thank you very much to everyone who responded!)))
It looks like the problem turned out to be with the display itself - tests from the Adafruit libraries (Arduino) are also output with inverted colors and mirrored text. If anyone knows what can be done with this display, I would be very grateful!)