Repeated diffs applications on a vector crashes.
bowbahdoe opened this issue ยท 3 comments
bowbahdoe commented
This seems to be caused by, but just documenting it here
(def current-state (atom [:div]))
=> #'ssr/current-state
(println (type @current-state))
=> nil
(defn render
(swap! current-state
(fn [html-1]
(let [diff (editscript/diff html-1 new)]
(editscript/patch html-1 diff))))))
=> #'ssr/render
(render [:div "b"])
=> "<div>b</div>"
(println (type @current-state))
=> nil
(render [:div "c"])
Execution error (IllegalArgumentException) at editscript.diff.a-star/associative-children (a_star.cljc:86).
No implementation of method: :kv-reduce of protocol: #'clojure.core.protocols/IKVReduce found for class: clojure.lang.APersistentVector$SubVector
bowbahdoe commented
Adding the diff mentioned in the bug report will sidestep this, but idk if thats something a library would want to do.
(extend-type APersistentVector$SubVector
(kv-reduce [subv f init]
(let [cnt (.count subv)]
(loop [k 0
ret init]
(if (< k cnt)
(let [val (.nth subv k)
ret (f ret k val)]
(if (reduced? ret)
(recur (inc k) ret)))
huahaiy commented
Clojure 1.11 should has a fix for this. Please confirm if 1.11 alpha does fix it.
lnostdal commented
Ran into this and Clojure 1.11.x indeed fixes this for me. ๐๐ป
(let [current-state (atom [:div])]
(assert (= clojure.lang.PersistentVector(type @current-state)))
(letfn [(render [new]
(swap! current-state
(fn [html-1]
(let [diff (editscript.core/diff html-1 new)]
(editscript.core/patch html-1 diff))))))]
(render [:div "b"])
(assert (= clojure.lang.APersistentVector$SubVector (type @current-state)))
(render [:div "c"]))) ;; => "<div>c</div>"
(let [a [1 2 3]
b (subvec a 0 2)]
(editscript.core/diff a b)) ;; => [[[2] :-]]