
Typescript SDK is not getting generated

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We build our SDKs using the openapi.yaml file. Unfortunately, the typescript SDK is not getting generated correctly for some reason. It may be related to a broken dependency but needs to be looked at.

Relevant file locations:

Steps to reproduce:

  • Clone repo and cd sdks/ts directory.
  • npm install to install all dependencies.
  • Then run npm run codegen to start the code generation.


> @julep/sdk@0.3.3 openapi-codegen
> bash -c 'openapi -c axios --name JulepApiClient --useOptions --indent 2 -i <(yq "." ../../openapi.yaml) -o src/api --exportSchemas true --useUnionTypes true'

  stack: 'SyntaxError: "/dev/fd/63" is not a valid JSON Schema\n' +
    '    at $RefParser.<anonymous> (/home/diwank/github.com/julep-ai/julep/sdks/ts/node_modules/@apidevtools/json-schema-ref-parser/dist/lib/index.js:126:37)\n' +
    '    at Generator.next (<anonymous>)\n' +
    '    at fulfilled (/home/diwank/github.com/julep-ai/julep/sdks/ts/node_modules/@apidevtools/json-schema-ref-parser/dist/lib/index.js:28:58)',
  message: '"/dev/fd/63" is not a valid JSON Schema',
  toJSON: [Function: toJSON],
  name: 'SyntaxError',
  toString: [Function: toString]