
Building Jekyll doesn't like the Readme.md

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When attempting to build a Jekyll site on Github, I'm getting this error:
I'm getting this error Your site is having problems building: The variable {{a} on line 50 in node_modules/balanced-match/README.md was not properly closed with }}. For more information, see https://help.github.com/articles/page-build-failed-tag-not-properly-terminated/.

:palm: :face: I was not ignoring the node_modules directory. PR could still be merged in, but not nearly urgent.

I got same problem : (

@keyolk hey, why do you need to build this README using jekyll?

@keyolk Add /node_modules to your .gitignore. My understanding is that the syntax check is occurring before the build process, so the balanced-match directory (and thus the README) won't be run through whatever syntax checker is finding the error. That said, I think my PR would fix this problem if users forget to gitignore the node_modules directory.

I fixed it adding node_modules/* as-well (I referenced it above).
Just for further notice, if node_modules has already been uploaded to the repository, adding node_modules/* to .gitignore wont be enough. You will need to untrack node_modules from the repository using the following command: git rm --cached node_modules -r :)

@TommyJackson85 I added gitignore, also untracked node_modules from my repo but I still get the same page build error. Why so?

did you add the following to your gitIgnore file?


Try running
'git rm --cached node_modules -r' first
and then add the gitignore file, then update your repository

Maybe use this help document.

This method is what I used add the gitignore file and untrack the previously committed node_modules. When i ran 'git rm --cached FILENAME' command (file name being node_modules) it prompted me to include '-r'.

Thanks, @TommyJackson85 I finally got it to work.

I'm going to close this now, thank's everyone for figuring it out!

@TommyJackson85 I tried your advice. It is updating the build to Github but somehow it is not showing changes on my GitHub page.

I am still having this problem - the exact same problem said in the beginning.
My repository where the problem is can be found here: https://github.com/KnowledgeableKangaroo/supreme-guacamole

I have the node_modules folder in the Codecademy subdirectory. So, I ignored Codecademy/node_modules/* in my .gitignore. I then listed all ignored files in git bash locally and it showed exactly what I expected. I also escaped the apostrophes shown at the top in the first linked issue. However, I still get these emails and in settings it still shows

Your site is having problems building: The variable {{a} on line 50 in Codecademy/node_modules/balanced-match/README.md was not properly closed with }}. For more information, see https://help.github.com/articles/page-build-failed-tag-not-properly-terminated/

When I try git rm --cached node_modules -r, I can't commit the changes to push to the origin because I am getting a 'exit code 1 received` error.

@KnowledgeableKangaroo Are you building master or your tagged v1.1.4 branch? I ask because I noticed you don't have the node_modules directory in master, but it is in the v1.1.4 branch.

@claytron5000 I 'solved' the problem by deleting the node_modules directory in the Codecademy subdirectory completely which go rid of the problem and I wasn't using that at the moment. however, before, it was in the master branch. I have had this package for a while, but only now have I decided to make the publishing source of my GitHub Pages the master branch and this issue came up with it.

I had the same issue and I deleted my node_modules directory after figuring out that I don't need it anyway.

Hello dude , Your site is having problems building: The variable {{a} on line 50 in node_modules/balanced-match/README.md was not properly closed with }}. For more information, see https://help.github.com/articles/page-build-failed-tag-not-properly-terminated/

This is showing to me also how I can fix it .
I have completed the project but this is final stage where I am stucked .
I have to submit it to my college

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