
Failed to find the wow process

Kiahhhh opened this issue · 6 comments

When I start the bot, the log says this:

''Failed to find the wow process, tried: Wow, WowClassic, Wow-64''

and my wow process name is WoW.
I tried add the name WoW to the WowProcess.cs but nothings happend.
The bot detects the bobber but it does not automatically pull it (even if it has the letter correctly assigned) not does it loot it, I suppose it is due to that same issue.

Bring up task manager and go to the details tab, what is the name of the wow process?

The name is "WoW.exe"
I play in a wow private server 8.3

Looks like it a case issue. WoW.exe vs Wow.exe.

If the program searches for the process exactly, there's no way it will search for WoW.exe instead of Wow.exe?

Get the latest code and let me know if this fixes the problem.

Thanks man this work so good now :D