
Stuck at opening it with Visual Studio

Opened this issue · 5 comments

OkiDJ commented

Shit does not work, still says it can't open. Do not waste your fucking time.

Anyone else having trouble opening the solution ?

Ofc not, everything works fine, solution is functional. That's prolly some edgy troll who can't install VS so he blames it on the project.

I am not sure if it is the same issue that was originally open, but I am unable to get this working. I was able to get Visual Studio Community 2019 installed and confirmed the proper versions of .NET Framework are there. When trying to run the solution file it errors out with the following:


I also see the following output:


Looking in the Output referenced paths I don't see a Chrome.exe file there at all. Per the error I have played around with the build properties, but nothing seems to be working from any research done so far. When attempting to build per the error message received I get the following outputs:


Any help would be appreciated.

Well I feel like a jackass, but I found my issue. I utilized Bitdefender and the on Access Scanning module was flagging the powershell.exe and chrome.exe applications since they were in a different location. Added exceptions to my AV for these paths recopied the project files successfully. I now see the files and was able to run this successfully. Hope that helps someone else.

You can call the output anything you like, I named it something generic so that it wouldn't be obvious to anything spying on your running processes.