
Unable to Start Chrome.exe

Opened this issue · 1 comments

When building the project after following the instructions, everything at first appears to be working. The program UI comes up and everything. However, a handful of seconds later, the UI closes and VS shoots a couple of errors:

"The application was unable to start correctly (0xc00000e5). Click OK to close the application."

Followed by:

"Error while trying to run project: Unable to start program 'C:\Fishing\FishingFun-master\Source\bin\Debug\Chrome.exe'. The process has been terminated. Refresh the process list before attempting another attach."

I am not familiar with Visual Studio, so I am sure this comes down to user error; however, having followed the instructions, I am not sure where I went wrong. Any solutions? Thanks.

@TXBlue22 without further information from the windows event log my assumption would be you have some sort of antivirus that is closing the application out.