
Self-host error on login ~ error on command docker-compose exec api /app/migrate

Closed this issue · 7 comments


I successfully self-hosted RecipeSage a while back and wanted to get back into it. After docker-compose pull I am receiving an error when trying to log in:

I realized I had not ran migrations, however when I try the command docker-compose exec api /app/migrate I get either of these two errors (the IP in the 2nd error varies) :

Looks like the 'ingredient-instruction-classifier:latest and 'postgres' are having issues:

The postgres container is crashing according to your second comment, which would explain why the database migrations won't run.

Mind posting the logs from the postgres container?

Hi @julianpoy thanks for your fast reply. Here's the log from the postgres container, quite clear:

Any way to modify the database files so they are compatible?

Missed the notification for your comment here, sorry!

You can just specify an older Postgres image tag to line up with your existing database files. Sounds like you might have pulled a newer version of Postgres that's not compatible with your existing data.

Hello @julianpoy thanks for your comments, appreciate it! I changed the postgres image to 13.6, the container is staying up and I can migrate the database without errors.
I can now succesfully login and select recipes, but don't see any pictures

I've noticed that the container julian/ingredient-instruction-classifier:latest is not staying up. Here's a screenshot of the log:

Any idea what could be causing that? :)

That's related to this here:

#14 (comment)

Aha, clear. Too bad that my CPU does not support AVX. Thanks a lot for your replies and the good work on RecipeSage! Have a great day