
Unable to create account

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Describe the issue
Installed using compose file, received error of "unexpected error occurred" when creating account. I saw other entries where you suggest pulling latest versions. I did that, and now I'm getting the same error, but it works longer before throwing up the error, and the error is in a pop-up now vs a banner as originally. My api container log is empty, but am attaching

Please do the following and check the boxes before filing
[ X] I have attached my docker-compose.yaml to the issue
[ X] I have attached the logs for my api container to the issue
Archive 3.zip
] My issue is related to this selfhost repo, not the main tracker for RecipeSage here

So, the first time I updated the individual containers to the latest and that did not seem to work. I updated the compose file this time referencing the latest container versions in it, and re-deployed. That seemed to work. Thank you!

Hi there! "Unexpected error occurred" is almost always DB migrations not having been run. Your latest comment makes it sound like everything is resolved, though.

If possible, yes! Would need the logs attached and everything.