
Add FontAwesome6Pro

aeris170 opened this issue · 3 comments

There exists a working version that is a fork of this repo, I think it should be merged. What do you think?

We currently can't support FontAwesome 6 Pro. This is why.
Do feel free to ask FortAwesome again to open source their FA6 Pro icons.yaml file.

If you send me a link to the fork you've mentioned, I'll add it to the readme together with @jakerieger's.

I'm sorry I didn't know FA had different icons.yml metadata for Free and Pro version. It's a shame they bar metadata behind a licence. The fork I mentioned was @jakerieger's.

(Do you accept PR's? I would like to modify the python script to make it interactive - i.e. select which fonts and for which language to generate the headers etc.)

Yes, it is a shame indeed.

We do accept PRs but only for things that we consider useful. We also try to keep the script as simple as possible.
Thank you for your offer but interactivity would make the script harder to run. If you implement it on your fork I'll link to it for people who are interested.