
Not receiving same values as in post_processing.ipynb

Christon-Ragavan opened this issue · 0 comments

Thank you for sharing the bar pointer model for beat tracker.

I was using your beat tracker post_processing.ipynb and I had a small problem decoding the path and unable to understand where the problem might be.
I see there are two implementations of Viterbi algorithm one in python and onother in Cpython.

When I tried on my data (beat activation from neural network) on Viterbi implemted in the python I do not get the path corrent. I get an array of zeros where as Cpython implementation works fine. The same happens when I tried to re run with the same example mentioned observations = np.sin(np.linspace(-0.2, 10, 51)).clip(0.0, 1.0)

Do you know why this is happening?
Thank you,