
Support other CRS

Jeongyong-park opened this issue · 1 comments

I hope to support other coordinate reference systems other than EPSG: 4326 and EPSG: 3857.

like a below geojson file.

"type": "FeatureCollection",
"name": "test",
"crs": { "type": "name", "properties": { "name": "urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG::5186" } },
"features": [
{ "type": "Feature", "id": "0", "properties": { "name": "BH-1", "easting": 197992.417, "northing": 534960.622, "ground_altitude": 50.17, "thick_1": 0.8, "thick_2": 1.2, "thick_3": 6.0, "thick_4": 22.0, "thick_5": 0, "thick_6": 0, "thick_1_high": 50.17, "thick_1_low": 49.37, "thick_2_high": 49.37, "thick_2_low": 48.17, "thick_3_high": 48.17, "thick_3_low": 42.17, "thick_4_high": 42.17, "thick_4_low": 20.17, "thick_5_high": 20.17, "thick_5_low": 20.17, "thick_6_high": 20.17, "thick_6_low": 20.17, "type": "Borehole" }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 197992.416999999986729, 534960.621999999973923 ] } },

You need to edit your VSCode configuration and edit the map.preview.projections setting to include the proj4js definition of EPSG:5186

Once that is done (and you delete the trailing comma after your first feature in your example GeoJSON), the file can be previewed.

2021-05-20 19_40_49-Map Preview_ 5186 geojson - Untitled (Workspace) - Visual Studio Code