An app where student and teachers can register/log in. Teachers can create a quiz on a subject and can view students that have given it and see their markd. Student can take a quiz (only once) and can see the correct answers and their marks
The accounts app manages all tasks related to registration, login, logout. It has 3 models: User, Student, Teacher. All these models are derived from AbstractBaseUser as it helps us in getting complete control over the model. The models use 'Email' as the 'Username' field and all the models are accessible in the Django Admin page. The registeration form is seperate for students and teachers and the whole project can be authorised using is_student and is_teacher boolean variables along with ROLE (STUDENT or TEACHER). The project uses Django built-in auth_views for login and logout.
The CRUD app is regulated using is_student, is_teacher and is_authenticated booleans. There is a create-quiz form where teachers can name the quiz subject/topic and the number of questions in that quiz. They are then directed to the add-questions page where they can add questions with options and the correct answer and then submit the quiz for students. They can also update the quiz questions by going to the update/<quiz_id> page and updating the questions. They can delete the quiz in the same way by going to delete/<quiz_id> url. Teachers can also view the students list and their score on result-list/<quiz_id>. Students can take the quiz by going to display<quiz_id> and can check their score on result/<quiz_id>. Students can take a quiz only once.
Clone the project.
$ git clone
intro the project directory$ cd Training-Unicode-Communication
Create a new virtual environment activate it.
$ python3 -m venv env $ source env/bin/activate
Install dependencies from requirements.txt:
(env)$ pip install -r requirements.txt
Migrate the database.
(env)$ python migrate
Run the local server via:
(env)$ python runserver 8000
The local application will be available at http://localhost:8000.
Admin: , admin
Student:, 8A2905tbbaby
Teacher:, 8A2905tbbaby
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.