
Documentation for integration with other VCS

Opened this issue · 1 comments

I'd like to add CVS integration as a module. This looks like it involves:

  • creating an autoload file under autoload/vc/cvs.vim
  • Adding a set of functions with predefined names and functions
  • registering the functions somehow (letting the master plugin no about the options

Can you provide pointers?

This looks very nice :-)

Hi fourjay

Sorry for late response. here is a short description that will be required to support any vcs. Hope the below descriptions helps you.

  1. Need to add the support for cvs at autoload/vc/repos.vim
  • Entry at s:maps for the following keys
    "repos": -cvs
    Add new sub directory -cvs to s:maps and the function call backs for

    "inrepodir" : The function here should return true if we are in a cvs working dir

    "meta": Check the meta function at hg.vim or git.vim, this should return the metad

    "member": return true if the file/directory passed is already in the repository

  1. Check the reference directory structure used for response for commands i have dumped it in globals.vim

    Example for log command check the vc#git#logs if you follow this code it populates the dict used for log response at s:logrtrv

    Also check for "log" in repos.vim for the entries required to support the log command