No possible to mark default vader temp test file as modified
mboughaba opened this issue · 0 comments
mboughaba commented
Given the vader test below, if found out that it is not possible to mark the vader temporary test file as modified.
Given (whatever):
Bear claw gummi bears brownie cake. Sesame snaps cotton candy powder macaroon.
Do (Mark file as modified):
:let &mod = 1\<CR>
:let &ro = 0\<CR>
Then (whatever):
Log 'modified: ' . &mod
Log 'readonly: ' . &ro
Expect (whatever):
Bear claw gummi bears brownie cake. Sesame snaps cotton candy powder macaroon.
results will be:
modified: 0
readonly: 0
Any idea how to work around that?
It this case [Given/Do/Then/Expect] does Vader create a temp file behind the scene?