
Create vimscript command interface?

deoxys314 opened this issue · 1 comments

The option to run $ vim -u $(whatever) -c 'Vader!' is very nifty and useful for integrating with shell scripts. Is there a similar interface to call Vader from within Vimscript files and deal with the result? vader#run() doesn't seem to return anything, so my guess is no.

This is a very niche case, but my end goal is portability: wherever Vim runs at all, so too do my tests and my test script. I am often switching between Windows, OSX and Linux, which have different scripting options, or different implementations of sh and so on.

You know, I think I can get what I need from the g:vader_result variable.

I still think a command interface could be useful, but I'm going to close this so as not to clutter the issues.