
An error is shown when the Enabled setting is unchecked

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Overview description

An error is shown in project properties when a project is not used as a CakePHP3

Steps to reproduce

  1. Create a project which is not CakePHP3
  2. Right-click the project node > Properties
  3. Click Frameworks > CakePHP3
  4. Unckeck Enabled

Actual results

An error is shown

Expected results

There is no error

Version number of the plugin


Version information of NetBeans

Product Version: NetBeans IDE 8.0.2 (Build 201408251540)
Updates: NetBeans IDE is updated to version NetBeans 8.0.2 Patch 2
Java: 1.7.0_80; Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM 24.80-b11
Runtime: Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment 1.7.0_80-b15
System: Linux version 3.2.0-85-generic-pae running on i386; UTF-8; en (nb)