
Move Open Test Alliance to new project

marcphilipp opened this issue · 7 comments

  • separate GitHub organization
  • register domain name
  • create repo
  • copy code into new repo
  • publish artifacts in Sonatype's snapshot repo (@marcphilipp)
  • use it in junit modules
  • remove open-test-alliance module from JUnit Lambda repository
  • invite people from #12
  • incorporate feedback from #12

New GitHub organization:


I've opened an issue on Sonatype's JIRA to grant us access to push to Maven Central with the new group id:

Thanks, @marcphilipp!

I'm watching that Sonatype JIRA issue now.

Snapshots are now uploaded to Sonatype's snapshot repo by Jenkins.

org.opentest4j snapshots are now consumed by JUnit Lambda.

Officially moving all discussions to https://github.com/ota4j-team/opentest4j now.