
Myelin content based human habenula segmentation from anatomical MRI

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Habenula Segmentation

Automated Human Habenula Segmentation Program


  • Python: version 2.7
  • Python libraries: numpy, scipy, nibabel
  • FSL

Input Files

  • nifti1 is the only supported file format.
  • AC-PC aligned T1w image
  • T2w image that is registered to T1w image
  • Habenula center positions:
    • a nifti1 file containing two markers - a voxel in the right habenula as 1 and a vxoel in the left habenula as 2
    • or, MNI152_0.7mm-to-ACPC warp file. (MNINonLinear/xfms/standard2acpc_dc.nii.gz if you used HCP pipeline)
  • Optional: T1w/T2w which can be generated using fslmaths in FSL: fslmaths T1w -div T2w T1wDivT2w
  • Note: The PreFreeSurfer in Human Connectome Project (HCP) Pipelines (https://github.com/Washington-University/Pipelines) is recommended for the AC-PC alignment and T2w-to-T1w registration.

How to Run

method 1: using command line

if you have habenula center position file, center.nii.gz

seg_hb.py -1 T1w.nii.gz -2 T2w.nii.gz  -c center.nii.gz [-m T1wDivT2w.nii.gz] [-o output.nii.gz]

if you have warp file, standard2acpc_dc.nii.gz

seg_hb.py -1 T1w.nii.gz -2 T2w.nii.gz -w standard2acpc_dc.nii.gz [-m T1wDivT2w.nii.gz] [-o output.nii.gz]


seg_hb.py -1 T1w.nii.gz -2 T2w.nii.gz [-m T1wDivT2w.nii.gz] [-o output.nii.gz] \
          [-c center.nii.gz] [-w warp_MNI152_0.7_to_ACPC] \
          [-t TEMPLATE_THRESHOLD] [-v VERBOSE] \
          [--min_volume MIN_VOLUME] [--t1min T1MIN] [--t1max T1MAX] \
          [--t2min T2MIN] [--t2max T2MAX] [--alpha ALPHA] \
          [--num_growing GROWTH]

method 2: using python script

import segment
        min_volume = 80,
        t1min = None,
        t1max = None,
        t2min = 10,
        t2max = None,
        sig_factor = 0.9,
        growth = 5,
        verbose = False,


  • t1, t2, myelin: T1w, T2w, Myelin Nifti1 images
  • hb center: mask Nifti1 file indicating Hb centers (1: right Hb, 2: left Hb)


  • output filename: output (segmentation) Nifti1 image file name


  • min_volume: minimum ROI volume (mm^3) for each Hb. Default 80.
  • t1min, t1max, t2min, t2max: first thresold values for T1w, T2w.
  • sig_factor: Factor of sigma for myelin threshold for Hb segmentation. Default 0.9. The higher factor, the smaller Hb.
  • growth: Number of iteration for region growth method. 0 for disable it. Default 5.
  • verbose: If True, Display details. Default False.


  • [color1 Hb volume, color2 Hb volume], [color1 Hb partial volume, color2 Hb partial volume], [list(left Hb index), list(right Hb index)]

Habenula Template

We release habenula templates: habenula_template directory.

  • habenula_template_HCP_50_native_[left/right].nii.gz : habenula template in the MNI space generated from HCP 50 subjects' habenula segmentation in the native space.


[1] Kim et al, Human habenula segmentation using myelin content. Neuroimage, 2016, 130 : 145-156 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26826517

[2] Kim et al, Reproducibility of myelin content‐based human habenula segmentation at 3 Tesla. Human Brain Mapping, 2018, 39 : 3058-3071 https://doi.org/10.1002/hbm.24060