`Copy to Clipboard` included in code cells when activating
Closed this issue ยท 6 comments
@rowanc1 where did you encounter that issue? I don't see it in the cells in thebe docs examples
I'd like to reproduce and take a look
ok, reproduced this but it's not clear why it is happening. Will investigate
Hmm - it is because we moved the copy button text into the <title>
block of the SVG (which is itself inside the code block):
I thought that this was fixed here:
Can you make sure you're on the latest sphinx-thebe
and try again?
confirmed that this is working with the latest sphinx-thebe
@joergbrech are you building with sphinx? can you update your dependencies and see if that fixes things.
@choldgraf that probably means that https://jupyterbook.org/interactive/thebe.html?highlight=thebe has not been redeployed since the change?
Yep - I just redeployed https://jupyterbook.org/interactive/thebe.html and the copy to clipboard
no longer shows up, so I'll close this one!
I am using thebe via jupyter-book, so this is resolved for me as well. Thanks!