
Setting up a chatGPT-3 bot on a Discord server to better educate our community about using Naas

jravenel opened this issue · 1 comments

We would like to use a chatbot on our Discord server to educate our community about how to use Naas. The chatbot should use the GPT-3 language model and be fine-tuned on data specific to Naas. This will allow the chatbot to provide accurate and helpful responses to user queries about using Naas.

Sign up for an OpenAI API key and install the openai python package.
Create a new Discord bot and invite it to your server following the instructions here.
Use the openai package to retrieve a GPT-3 model and fine-tune it on data related to using Naas.
Set up the Discord bot to listen for messages on the server and use the fine-tuned GPT-3 model to generate responses to user queries about using Naas.

Expected Behavior
The chatbot should be able to provide accurate and helpful responses to user queries about using Naas, enabling our community to better understand how to use the service.

Actual Project on the topic

Additional Information
I guess we need to start fine-tuning using by feeding the naas readme and then the full docs

@Dr0p42 there you go.