
Creating Jupyter Notebook Failed. An error occurred while creating a new notebook. Validation error: nbformat_minor

jwrth opened this issue · 3 comments

jwrth commented

Hi, everyone! When I want to create a new file Jupyter gives me the error shown in the following image. Does anybody have an idea what's the reason for it and how I can change it?

I'm not sure if it's connected but the error appears since I tried to export a notebook as html. I tried this first using "File - Download as..." but this gave me an error. It worked then in the terminal using "jupyter nbconvert -to html file.ipynb" but since I did this the validation error appears when I want to create a new file:


I get a similar error when I try to work on notebooks that were created before:


There I managed to solve the error by changing the value for "nbformat_minor" to 4 instead of 2 using a text editor. Therefore, I think the problem lies somehow in this nbformat_minor setting which is set to 2 instead of 4 when I create a new notebook. But I have no idea why this error appears now. I didn't update anything before this error appeared. Is there a way to change the default setting for nbformat_minor? The installed nbformat version is 5.0.8.

Would be great if anybody could help me out with that! Thanks a lot in advance!

Please let me know if you need any additional information!

jwrth commented

I guess it's helpful for you to know the versions of jupyter packages. Here's the output of "jupyter --version":

jupyter core : 4.6.3
jupyter-notebook : 6.1.5
qtconsole : 4.7.5
ipython : 7.19.0
ipykernel : 5.3.1
jupyter client : 6.1.5
jupyter lab : 2.1.5
nbconvert : 5.6.1
ipywidgets : 7.5.1
nbformat : 5.0.8
traitlets : 4.3.3

Did you end up figuring this one out?

jwrth commented

@rgbkrk I didn't really find out what caused the error but a reinstallation of juypter helped in the end.