
Error!!!! Unable to Collect Submitted Assignment

Opened this issue · 2 comments

The current status of npgrader is

  1. The current nbgrader: version 0.7.0.dev
  2. Jupyterhub Version: 1.1.0
  3. Jupyter Notebook version: 6.0.3

Following error has been showing up for a week now when I collect the assignments:


What is the reason behind the bug and Please help me resolve the bug.

Thanks for reporting this @JazzDKaur.

  1. The current nbgrader: version 0.7.0.dev

The first step is probably to install a stable version of nbgrader:

  • not recommanded: pip install "nbgrader>0.7,<0.8" if you need to keep Notebook in version 6 and nbgrader lower than 0.8
  • pip install "nbgrader>0.8,<0.9" if you need to keep notebook in version 6 (also compatible with jupyterlab<4)
  • recommanded: pip install "nbgrader>=0.9" to be compatible with latest (and maintain) jupyterlab (version 4) and notebook (version 7)

@JazzDKaur You seem to be using the ngshare exchange service, maybe you should ask on their side.