
execution error: doesn’t understand the “open location” message. (-1708)

flrgsr opened this issue · 124 comments

This error message appeared randomly today when I (as usually) tried to start a notebook via jupyter notebook

Did the error show up in a terminal, or somewhere else? What platform are you on?

Yep terminal (iTerm), platform is OS X and Browser Chrome.

OK, I'll leave it for the Mac users to help with that.

Same with built-in Terminal and Safari, macOS 10.12.5.

same here with MacOS 10.12.5 Beta (16F67a)

Same here, built in Terminal and Google Chrome on Mac OS 10.12.5 (Beta 16F60a)

@takluyver Where in the code base is this error thrown? That will help us to diagnose it.

That error is not something from our code, as far as I can see.

Same here with Mac OS and Google Chrome Canary. Error:

0:97: execution error: "http://localhost:8888/tree?token=***" doesn’t understand the “open location” message. (-1708)

Same here with macOS and Chrome.Error:

0:97: execution error: "http://localhost:8888/tree?    
token=c9c72f63d8482d80ee7dfd7aacc70c5d3048b6a7626b2859" doesn’t understand the “open location” message. (-1708)

This is an Apple event error: "The script doesn’t understand the message. The event was not handled." AppleScript documentation:
I guess this was caused by recent changes in the latest MacOS revision.
The 'open location' call run by Jupyter would need to be adapted; meanwhile setting c.NotebookApp.open_browser = False in your jupyter_notebook_config.py and manually copying the NB link helps if one finds the error message annoying.

Same issue, latest OS X, looks like a Mac-side problem. Copy/paste link in browser works every time.

Ignore the error. Go to http://localhost:8888/tree directly, in your browser.

For me, this seems to have started with the upgrade to 10.12.5, which dropped on 15 May. But this thread appeared earlier: can anyone who saw this earlier confirm whether they were on the macOS beta?

(Also, this is clearly a bug, even if it's generated OS-side: "Ignore the error" is only the best solution if it's not fixable...)

I was on the beta version when the bug first appeared, don't know which version tough as there were updates since then.

Same for me just after upgrade to 10.12.5.
However, the link works.

For what it's worth, the release notes to macOS 10.12.5 and Safari 10.1.1 don't appear to have anything listed that would result in this (but my ability to read and understand the security update information is limited).

Also, I just checked in the AppleScript editor, and both Safari and Chrome do understand the "open location http://what.ev.er/" message -- but I note that the error message is the "reverse" of this:

0:97: execution error: "http://localhost:8888/tree?token=<removed>" doesn’t understand the “open location” message. (-1708)

I suppose it's worth a look in the jupyter code to see how this actually gets done...

Restarted my laptop to update the system and got this error. Going directly to http://localhost:8888/tree, as kjprice suggests, helps in my case.

(Solution at bottom!)

So it seems that the problem is in the Python standard library, and I suppose with its interaction with the macOS update:

In [2]: import webbrowser
In [3]: browser=webbrowser.get(None)
In [4]: browser.open("http://python.org")
   0:33: execution error: "http://python.org" doesn’t understand the “open location” message. (-1708)
Out[4]: False

(same behaviour with Python 2 or 3)

However, browser=webbrowser.get("Safari") works!

So, the solution is to explicitly set the browser in ~/.jupyter/jupyter_notebook_config.py (updated from stupidly incorrect file location):

c.NotebookApp.browser = u'Safari'

Same here, the error occurs just after macOS 10.12.5 update (Safari 10.1.1).

I'm using Jupyter from Anaconda's distribution and defjaf's solution
(c.NotebookApp.browser = u'Safari' in ~/.jupyter_notebook_config.py)
doesn't seem to work for me.
I tried to put there another option (c.NotebookApp.open_browser = False) just to avoid the message, but no success either. Looks like the config file is being ignored.
Any hints?

@ansteam: try saving it in ~/.jupyter/jupyter_notebook_config.py

Same here after upgrading to 10.12.5

@defjaf Hey Andrew, thanks for your solution, it works!

I tried

c.NotebookApp.browser = u'Google Chrome'

But got

[W 12:19:50.134 NotebookApp] No web browser found: could not locate runnable browser.

(Also tried 'Chrome' with the same results.)

What do I need to do to have it launch Chrome?

@jcrotinger, according to this Python bug report and fix, it looks like the Chrome problem should be fixed in the next update to all maintained python builds...

@jcrotinger: c.NotebookApp.browser = u'chrome' should do the trick.

@defjaf: Thanks Andrew for the Safari browser help!

Here the command to create ~/.jupyter_notebook_config.py if it does not exist:

jupyter notebook --generate-config

c.NotebookApp.browser = u'chrome' worked for me!

@defjaf and @bighomeyg thanks for those steps: solved it for me (after I remembered to also uncomment the config line!). Problem cropped up when I upgraded just now to macOS 10.12.5.

@defjaf and @davidjaimes the combination of the two solutions worked for me. Thanks!

Let's also remember that there is still possibly a bug here: the expectation is that jupyter should use the default browser when c.NotebookApp.browser is unset (as used to be the behaviour). Not clear whether this is a python bug, a macOS bug, or a security feature... but it doesn't appear to be something specific to jupyter since webbrowser.get().open("http://python.org") fails in python with exactly the error that we all saw.

An alternative workaround is to set the BROWSER environment variable.

For example:
export BROWSER=/Applications/Google\ Chrome.app/Contents/MacOS/Google\ Chrome

Upon @rmcantin 's suggestion, editing my ~/.bash_profile file to contain the lines:

BROWSER=/Applications/Google\ Chrome.app/Contents/MacOS/Google\ Chrome
export BROWSER

worked for me (c.NotebookApp.browser = u'chrome', did not for whatever reason)

Reported on the Python bug tracker as http://bugs.python.org/issue30392

@ andrewjmacrae - your solution worked for me! Thanks

@ andrewjmacrae 你的方法有效,谢谢!

As a side note, the 10.12.5 screwed up a lot of my opens. When I tried to open markdown files using open markdown_file.md it tried to open it using RStudio (it should have used sublime). So I'm inclined to think this is a MacOS bug, not a python one.

@andrewjmacrae it worked! Thanks!


  1. Create "jupyter_notebook_config.py"
  2. Write the following routine inside:

import webbrowser

  1. save it on path ~/.jupyter (command+shift+G)

Good luck!

Just for completeness, I'll note that it seems to be a bug in Apple's osascript application with the specific open location command. See http://bugs.python.org/issue30392. I have also filed an Apple radar.

Thanks @arrudadfa ! It works!

@arrudadfa I don't understand why browser=webbrowser.get("Safari") in that same file doesn't work (which is the "jupyterish/pythonic" way to do it). Note in particular that the notebook won't always be at port 8888 -- e.g., if you have more than one running.

@defjaf try "chrome" instead of "Safari"

@davidjaimes: setting the config file to safari works for me.

Thanks, it helped!

@andrewjmacrae 's solution worked. Thanks!

c.NotebookApp.browser = u'Safari' did not work for me

c.NotebookApp.browser = 'Safari' did

For those who couldn't get it to work with u'Chrome', try
c.NotebookApp.browser = u'open -a /Applications/Google\ Chrome.app/Contents/MacOS/Google\ Chrome %s'

For those who don't want to change jupyter_notebook_config.py or BROWSER environment variable, specify --browser flag when launching jupyter, e.g.

jupyter lab --browser=Chrome

jupyter notebook --browser=Chrome worked for me

c.NotebookApp.browser = u'Safari' works for my mac, thank you, Andrew! @defjaf

Same here with OS X and Chrome and when I copy and paste the link it works

@andrewjmacrae It works :-) Thanks andrew!

I‘m sorry. I try to set the browser to Opera or Chrome, but it both can't work(The Chrome can't open it automaticly, but opera just doesn't work ). Only Safari works. Does anyone knows why? thank you very much.

@aryamccarthy It works for me.. Thanks Andrew for your idea..

@andrewjmacrae Really thanks!!

How do I specify Firefox Nightly?

--browser=Nightly does not work

By the way, I have just found out that if you set the BROWSER variable to open as:

$ export BROWSER=open

it automatically detects your default browser when you run jupyter notebook.

@lmarti That worked for me, thanks.

@lmarti That works for me too, and I'm really appreciate for that.

I have an issue witht the terminal. Every time i run a command on it, it gives me this -bash: __git_ps1: command not found. I don't really understanf what's going on

Apparently, the underlying osascript bug is fixed in the latest macOS 10.12.6 beta, so that part of the problem will be fixed with the next macOS update (the problem with explicitly setting Chrome is separate, but won't be an issue if Chrome is set as the default browser).

Thanks @andrewjmacrae, your solution is work.

nati7 commented

thank you for the update, @defjaf

Simply setting c.NotebookApp.browser = u'chrome' (don't know why I dont have to set the browser in my bash profile though)

@ lmarti Thanks! Your way is really convenient!

same error....i just updated the Mac OX,than open the jupyter, it give me this message,but the link works well still

@andrewjmacrae Thank you very much ! It works to my MAC! cheer!

@andrewjmacrae Thanks a lot it worked for my Mac

If c.NotebookApp.browser = u'chrome' doesn't work on your Mac (like it doesn't on mine), try c.NotebookApp.browser = u'/Applications/Google\ Chrome.app/Contents/MacOS/Google\ Chrome %s' . Worked like a charm.

Guys let me ask you a question. What happens if you want to run jupyter form inside as virtual env. Even though the above solutions worked especially when I set the browser in the jupyter config file. But, I've found that the problem is persistent if I want to run jupyter from inside a virtual env. For instance you might want to try some new packages in your virtual env but I keep getting these errors:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/user/anaconda2/bin/jupyter-notebook", line 4, in <module>
    import notebook.notebookapp
  File "/Users/user/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/notebook/notebookapp.py", line 27, in <module>
    import webbrowser
  File "/Users/user/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/webbrowser.py", line 670, in <module>
    cmd = _synthesize(cmdline, -1)
  File "/Users/user/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/webbrowser.py", line 94, in _synthesize
    if controller and name.lower() == controller.basename:

Any ideas?

@lmarti How did you discover that?

For anyone who is unable to locate the jupyter_notebook_config.py file, the solution posted by @defjaf will still work. However you must first create a file with this name within the following directory:


And once the file is created, you must write the following line to the file:

c.NotebookApp.browser = u'Safari'

ceekr commented

Same problem has folks have noted here - MacOS 10.12.5 upgrade killed it - but adding this to jupyter config did solve the problem:

# Configuration file for jupyter-notebook.
c.NotebookApp.browser = u'chrome'

I think the only solution that is browser agnostic is export BROWSER=open

When I copy and paste the suggested URL, I still have to go back to the Terminal and copy and paste the token into the password field.

@rltbennett because open is a macos command that, well, opens what is passed as argument using the app associated with the file type of the argument.

rasbt commented

Same problem has folks have noted here - MacOS 10.12.5 upgrade killed it - but adding this to jupyter config did solve the problem:
c.NotebookApp.browser = u'chrome'

Thanks, solved the problem for me (after upgrading Sierra and encountering the same issues)! I am not using chrome, but u'safari' works equally fine.

$ export BROWSER=open
It works for me and so simple way.

Hi. Please Help Me.
My MacbookPro2015 Sierra 10.12.5
Jupyter notebook don't work.
I read this thread...and done these.

  1. with terminal: jupyter notebook --generate-config
  2. with editer: c.NotebookApp.browser = u'Safari'

but don't move jupyter with anaconda...

Thanks, Andrew. it worked for me!!

rasbt commented

Did you make sure that you put the config file created from jupyter notebook --generate-config into your ~/.jupyter directory?

Yes. Surely there is jupyter_notebook_config.py in ~/.jupyter..
And I rewrote ...=’’ as #c.NotebookApp.browser = u'safari'.
But trying to select jupyter notebook from the Anaconda's menu,

[I 09:48:24.022 NotebookApp] Serving notebooks from local directory: /Users/tsatie
[I 09:48:24.022 NotebookApp] 0 active kernels
[I 09:48:24.022 NotebookApp] The Jupyter Notebook is running at: http://localhost:8888/?token=7c0d.......................................................4
[I 09:48:24.022 NotebookApp] Use Control-C to stop this server and shut down all kernels (twice to skip confirmation).
[C 09:48:24.023 NotebookApp]
Copy/paste this URL into your browser when you connect for the first time,
to login with a token:
0:97: execution error: "http://localhost:8888/tree?token=4f834.......................................................5"は“open location”メッセージを認識できません。 (-1708)

”tokenはopen locationメッセージを認識できません。” is Japanese,
probably "token can not recognize message open location" in English.

So, with Safari, paste that URL, I can use Jupyter noteook.
But, can't using jupyter notebook from the Anaconda's menu...

@tsatie make sure that the line in the confit file does not start with # -- That makes it a comment.

Oh! Thanks. Ok.
#c.NotebookApp.browser = ''
delete line's head "#" and change last '(none)' to 'safari'...
c.NotebookApp.browser = u'safari'
I missed about "#"... sorry.

@lmarti export BROWSER=open worked for me too! Great work! 👍

@andrewjmacrae Thanks for your solution! It works for me.


jupyter notebook --generate-config -y

sed -i '' "s|\#c.NotebookApp.browser = ''|c.NotebookApp.browser = 'safari'|" .jupyter/jupyter_notebook_config.py 

Follow this steps:

  1. Paste this on Terminal:
    jupyter notebook --port 8080
    You can choose other number

  2. Now this:
    jupyter notebook list
    It will show you some URL's

  3. Copy any URL that it shows you on:
    Currently running servers
    And paste in your browser

13052 commented

Thanks, it works for me.

Here is the solution:

  1. Go to the directory ~/.jupyter:
    cd ~/.jupyter
    and create jupyter configuration file:
    jupyter notebook --generate-config

  2. Now use any editor to open jupyter_notebook_config.py file:
    nano jupyter_notebook_config.py

  3. Search for the line c.NotebookApp.browser and remove # and then add your browser chrome/safari:
    c.NotebookApp.browser = u'chrome'
    NOTE: For some users, c.NotebookApp.browser = u'chrome' doesn't work. In that case use the following:
    c.NotebookApp.browser = u'open -a/Applications/Google\ Chrome.app/Contents/MacOS/Google\ Chrome %s'

Done! Now launch the notebook using ipython notebook.

zjgbz commented

This works for me, just slightly modify your answer:
To create jupyter configuration file:

cd ~/.jupyter
jupyter notebook --generate-config

Worked for me, thanks !
And I changed the browser to firefox.

c.NotebookApp.browser = u'firefox'

alap commented

If you're using environments, chances are the default config file won't work because it's connected to the root condo environment. In this case, you will have to navigate to your environment and use the following commands (replace with whatever your Mac username is.

cd /Users/<username>/.jupyter/ 
jupyter notebook --generate-config

This will create the Jupiter config file at the following location

To open jupyter notebook in Chrome on a Mac:

  1. run this command: jupyter notebook --generate-config (if ~/.jupyter/jupyter_notebook_config.py does not exist)
  2. open ~/.jupyter/jupyter_notebook_config.py in a text editor
  3. add this line: c.NotebookApp.browser = u'open -a /Applications/Google\ Chrome.app/Contents/MacOS/Google\ Chrome %s'
  4. try to open jupyter again and it should work

Thanks to @tsatie and @huanhock

P.S. I tried the following and none of them worked:

  • c.NotebookApp.browser = u'chrome'
  • c.NotebookApp.browser = u'Chrome'
  • edit .bash_profile

@huanhock , thank you, your solution worked for me as well.

@lmarti 's solution works for me on mac 10.12.5
$ export BROWSER=open

In the terminal window while you are home directory do these:

  • cd .jupyter
  • vi jupyter_notebook_config.py (It opens the config file in vi editor)
  • find the line c.Notebook.browser = ' '
  • change the c.Notebook.browser = u'chrome' (to change it in edit mode press 'i' letter)
  • delete # at the beginning of the line
  • press esc
  • enter :wq to save and exit the file