500: Internal server error
adaptivejw opened this issue · 6 comments
I'm testing out Jupyterhub and using dummy-authenicator. One problem is that I cannot generate a Jupyter notebook correctly.
The web page says: 500: Internal server error. Failed to start your server. Please contact admin.
The error message says: Unhandled error starting {test_username}'s server: getpwnam(): name not found : {test_username}
I tried 0.8.0 and 0.7.2 version of Jupyterhub, both failed.
I assume this authenicator works well on your pc, could you tell me how to configure it?
Can you tell us more about your setup?
What spawner are you using?
Can you post your config file?
When I worked with the dummy authenticator, I remember that it didn't need any configuration. I just told JupyterHub to use it as Authenticator instead of its regular class.
I'm running a Ubuntu 16.04.
I just installed the Jupyterhub from pip(0.8.0 from git repo), and no modification to the source code of Jupyterhub.
Then I modified the the config file as c.JupyterHub.authenticator_class = 'dummyauthenticator.DummyAuthenticator'
The thing is if I type a random username like "aaa" and no password, it will lead to the 500 error. However, if I use the ubuntu username and corresponding password, it will give me a the notebook.
Should I configure the spawner?
I have no experience with the default spawner. I use a different setup with Docker containers.
I use DockerSpawner and every user that logs in gets a personal container with the Jupyter installation on a cluster of servers in a Docker Swarm. I think that the default for Jupyter is to use the SystemSpawner, that launches the Jupyter servers for the local users.
What do you want to achieve? Multi-user setup on your personal computer or on a multitude of servers?
Thanks for your replying!
I'm trying to prototyping a multi-user hub on my PC. I think that I need more time to understand the authentication process.
You're welcome!
I think you should take a look at the different spawners, too.
What you want to achieve can be done in several different ways.
Take a look at http://jupyterhub.readthedocs.io/en/0.7.2/ and at https://github.com/jupyterhub/jupyterhub/wiki.
I'm running a Ubuntu 16.04.
I just installed the Jupyterhub from pip(0.8.0 from git repo), and no modification to the source code of Jupyterhub.
Then I modified the the config file asc.JupyterHub.authenticator_class = 'dummyauthenticator.DummyAuthenticator'
The thing is if I type a random username like "aaa" and no password, it will lead to the 500 error. However, if I use the ubuntu username and corresponding password, it will give me a the notebook.Should I configure the spawner?
You can try jupyterhub-simplespawner to by pass the issue