
Rust is a transitive dependency for the build

JoeJasinski opened this issue · 0 comments

Hey all,

Recently our builds started breaking because of the [build-system] in the pyproject.toml.

requires = ["jupyter_packaging~=0.7.9", "jupyterlab>=3.0.0rc13,==3.*", "setuptools>=40.8.0", "wheel"]
build-backend = "setuptools.build_meta"

The version of jupyterlab is not pinned, and it pulls in the latest version of jupyterlab during the build. New versions of jupyterlab depend on Rust (juptyerlab installs jupyter-server-ydoc which installs jupyter-ydoc which installs y-py which depends on Rust). Since the [build-system] does not respect whats installed in the current virtualenv, there's no way to specify an older version of jupyterhub or other deps, which don't depend on rust.


I'm not sure of the best solution for this; is juptyerlab a requirement for the build? Could that be removed or pinned?