
Shift-enter in command mode does not execute cells

Closed this issue · 2 comments


Shift-enter in command mode does not execute cells


  1. Follow jupyterlab-rise's binder link
  2. Move to a code cell on page 2 while remaining in command-mode
  3. Hit Shift-Enter

Nothing happens

Note: after entering edit mode, Shift-Enter works as expected.

Expected behavior

The code cell is executed


Python package version: jupyterlab-rise 0.1.1

Extension version:
jovyan@jupyter-jupyterlab-2dcontrib-2drise-2d3i1fpld4:~$ jupyter labextension list
JupyterLab v3.6.1
        jupyter-offlinenotebook v0.2.2 enabled OK
        jupyterlab_pygments v0.2.2 enabled OK (python, jupyterlab_pygments)
        jupyterlab-rise v0.1.0 enabled OK (python, jupyterlab_rise)
        @jupyter-widgets/jupyterlab-manager v5.0.5 enabled OK (python, jupyterlab_widgets)
        @jupyter-server/resource-usage v0.7.0 enabled OK (python, jupyter-resource-usage)

jovyan@jupyter-jupyterlab-2dcontrib-2drise-2d3i1fpld4:~$ jupyter server extension list
Config dir: /home/jovyan/.jupyter

Config dir: /srv/conda/envs/notebook/etc/jupyter
jupyter_resource_usage enabled
- Validating jupyter_resource_usage...
jupyter_resource_usage 0.7.0 OK
jupyter_server_fileid enabled
- Validating jupyter_server_fileid...
jupyter_server_fileid 0.6.0 OK
jupyter_server_ydoc enabled
- Validating jupyter_server_ydoc...
jupyter_server_ydoc 0.6.1 OK
jupyterlab enabled
- Validating jupyterlab...
jupyterlab 3.6.1 OK
jupyterlab_rise enabled
- Validating jupyterlab_rise...
jupyterlab_rise 0.1.1 OK
nbclassic enabled
- Validating nbclassic...
nbclassic 0.5.1 OK
notebook_shim enabled
- Validating notebook_shim...
notebook_shim OK
jupyter_offlinenotebook enabled
- Validating jupyter_offlinenotebook...
jupyter_offlinenotebook OK

Config dir: /usr/local/etc/jupyter

  • Operating System and its version: Ubuntu 22.04
  • Browser and its version: Firefox 110 64 bits
Command Line Output
Web Browser Output
Paste the output from your browser web console here.
Activating jupyter-offlinenotebook JupyterLab extension 143.3a0a7be92ffa9c15c416.js:1:882
SyntaxError: JSON.parse: unexpected character at line 1 column 1 of the JSON data jlab_core.3e11c5239452d671150c.js:2:1065413
offline-notebook repoid: https://github.com/jupyterlab-contrib/rise 143.3a0a7be92ffa9c15c416.js:1:1057
offline-notebook repoLabel: GitHub 143.3a0a7be92ffa9c15c416.js:1:1189
offline-notebook binderRefUrl: https://github.com/jupyterlab-contrib/rise/tree/ad010e6b7fde6eb1584b13a15ae647107cc016bb 143.3a0a7be92ffa9c15c416.js:1:1254
offline-notebook binderPersistentUrl: https://mybinder.org/v2/gh/jupyterlab-contrib/rise/ad010e6b7fde6eb1584b13a15ae647107cc016bb 143.3a0a7be92ffa9c15c416.js:1:1329
Language pack 'en_US' not installed! jlab_core.3e11c5239452d671150c.js:2:1274430
Starting application in workspace: "default" jlab_core.3e11c5239452d671150c.js:2:5778
JupyterLab extension jupyterlab-rise is activated! 112.489c482bbad3766cb6f2.js:1:4453
SingleFile is hooking the IntersectionObserver API to detect and load deferred images. single-file-hooks-frames.js:1:531
Starting WebSocket: wss://hub.gke2.mybinder.org/user/jupyterlab-contrib-rise-3i1fpld4/api/kernels/de636a5c-7901-469b-b013-f96b715e70cd 2 jlab_core.3e11c5239452d671150c.js:2:1025848
Could not find a way to expose utilities_item.js. Check your load order. utilities_item.js:1030:10
No satisfying version (^3.6.1) of shared module @jupyterlab/docregistry found in shared scope default.
Available versions: 3.5.1 from _JUPYTERLAB.CORE_OUTPUT remoteEntry.37bcb12824e081b7dc7e.js:1:5443
Unsatisfied version 1.36.0 from _JUPYTERLAB.CORE_OUTPUT of shared singleton module @lumino/widgets (required ^1.37.1) remoteEntry.37bcb12824e081b7dc7e.js:1:5053
Unsatisfied version 3.5.1 from _JUPYTERLAB.CORE_OUTPUT of shared singleton module @jupyterlab/translation (required ^3.6.1) remoteEntry.37bcb12824e081b7dc7e.js:1:5053
Unsatisfied version 3.5.1 from _JUPYTERLAB.CORE_OUTPUT of shared singleton module @jupyterlab/apputils (required ^3.6.1) remoteEntry.37bcb12824e081b7dc7e.js:1:5053
Unsatisfied version 3.5.1 from _JUPYTERLAB.CORE_OUTPUT of shared singleton module @jupyterlab/ui-components (required ^3.6.1) remoteEntry.37bcb12824e081b7dc7e.js:1:5053
Unsatisfied version 3.5.1 from _JUPYTERLAB.CORE_OUTPUT of shared singleton module @jupyterlab/settingregistry (required ^3.6.1) remoteEntry.37bcb12824e081b7dc7e.js:1:5053
Unsatisfied version 3.5.1 from _JUPYTERLAB.CORE_OUTPUT of shared singleton module @jupyterlab/notebook (required ^3.6.1) remoteEntry.37bcb12824e081b7dc7e.js:1:5053
Unsatisfied version 3.5.1 from _JUPYTERLAB.CORE_OUTPUT of shared singleton module @jupyterlab/application (required ^3.6.1) remoteEntry.37bcb12824e081b7dc7e.js:1:5053
Unsatisfied version 5.5.1 from _JUPYTERLAB.CORE_OUTPUT of shared singleton module @jupyterlab/coreutils (required ^5.6.1) remoteEntry.37bcb12824e081b7dc7e.js:1:5053
Unsatisfied version 3.5.1 from _JUPYTERLAB.CORE_OUTPUT of shared singleton module @jupyterlab/settingregistry (required ^3.5.2) remoteEntry.d6df56cd69f4640706bc.js:1:6831
Unsatisfied version 6.5.1 from _JUPYTERLAB.CORE_OUTPUT of shared singleton module @jupyterlab/services (required ^6.5.2) remoteEntry.d6df56cd69f4640706bc.js:1:6831
Unsatisfied version 3.5.1 from _JUPYTERLAB.CORE_OUTPUT of shared singleton module @jupyterlab/translation (required ^3.5.2) remoteEntry.d6df56cd69f4640706bc.js:1:6831
No satisfying version (^3.5.2) of shared module @jupyterlab/outputarea found in shared scope default.
Available versions: 3.5.1 from _JUPYTERLAB.CORE_OUTPUT remoteEntry.d6df56cd69f4640706bc.js:1:7221
Unsatisfied version 3.5.1 from _JUPYTERLAB.CORE_OUTPUT of shared singleton module @jupyterlab/rendermime (required ^3.5.2) remoteEntry.d6df56cd69f4640706bc.js:1:6831
Unsatisfied version 3.5.1 from _JUPYTERLAB.CORE_OUTPUT of shared singleton module @jupyterlab/logconsole (required ^3.5.2) remoteEntry.d6df56cd69f4640706bc.js:1:6831
Unsatisfied version 3.5.1 from _JUPYTERLAB.CORE_OUTPUT of shared singleton module @jupyterlab/mainmenu (required ^3.5.2) remoteEntry.d6df56cd69f4640706bc.js:1:6831
Unsatisfied version 3.5.1 from _JUPYTERLAB.CORE_OUTPUT of shared singleton module @jupyterlab/notebook (required ^3.5.2) remoteEntry.d6df56cd69f4640706bc.js:1:6831
Unsatisfied version 5.5.1 from _JUPYTERLAB.CORE_OUTPUT of shared singleton module @jupyterlab/coreutils (required ^5.5.2) remoteEntry.2f9a08fa2c9d98922863.js:1:5327
Unsatisfied version 3.5.1 from _JUPYTERLAB.CORE_OUTPUT of shared singleton module @jupyterlab/statusbar (required ^3.5.2) remoteEntry.2f9a08fa2c9d98922863.js:1:5327
Unsatisfied version 3.5.1 from _JUPYTERLAB.CORE_OUTPUT of shared singleton module @jupyterlab/notebook (required ^3.5.2) remoteEntry.2f9a08fa2c9d98922863.js:1:5327
Unsatisfied version 3.5.1 from _JUPYTERLAB.CORE_OUTPUT of shared singleton module @jupyterlab/translation (required ^3.5.2) remoteEntry.2f9a08fa2c9d98922863.js:1:5327
Unsatisfied version 6.5.1 from _JUPYTERLAB.CORE_OUTPUT of shared singleton module @jupyterlab/services (required ^6.5.2) remoteEntry.2f9a08fa2c9d98922863.js:1:5327
Unsatisfied version 3.5.1 from _JUPYTERLAB.CORE_OUTPUT of shared singleton module @jupyterlab/ui-components (required ^3.5.2) remoteEntry.2f9a08fa2c9d98922863.js:1:5327
Unsatisfied version 3.5.1 from _JUPYTERLAB.CORE_OUTPUT of shared singleton module @jupyterlab/apputils (required ^3.5.2) remoteEntry.2f9a08fa2c9d98922863.js:1:5327
Activating jupyter-offlinenotebook JupyterLab extension 143.3a0a7be92ffa9c15c416.js:1:882
Plugin '@jupyter-server/resource-usage:memory-status-item' failed to activate. 6731.bundle.js:2:11699
Error: No provider for: @jupyterlab/statusbar:IStatusBar.
    d https://hub.gke2.mybinder.org/user/jupyterlab-contrib-rise-3i1fpld4/static/rise/6731.bundle.js:2
    u https://hub.gke2.mybinder.org/user/jupyterlab-contrib-rise-3i1fpld4/static/rise/6731.bundle.js:2
    u https://hub.gke2.mybinder.org/user/jupyterlab-contrib-rise-3i1fpld4/static/rise/6731.bundle.js:2
    u https://hub.gke2.mybinder.org/user/jupyterlab-contrib-rise-3i1fpld4/static/rise/6731.bundle.js:2
    u https://hub.gke2.mybinder.org/user/jupyterlab-contrib-rise-3i1fpld4/static/rise/6731.bundle.js:2
    resolveRequiredService https://hub.gke2.mybinder.org/user/jupyterlab-contrib-rise-3i1fpld4/static/rise/6731.bundle.js:2
    n https://hub.gke2.mybinder.org/user/jupyterlab-contrib-rise-3i1fpld4/static/rise/6731.bundle.js:2
    d https://hub.gke2.mybinder.org/user/jupyterlab-contrib-rise-3i1fpld4/static/rise/6731.bundle.js:2
    u https://hub.gke2.mybinder.org/user/jupyterlab-contrib-rise-3i1fpld4/static/rise/6731.bundle.js:2
    u https://hub.gke2.mybinder.org/user/jupyterlab-contrib-rise-3i1fpld4/static/rise/6731.bundle.js:2
    u https://hub.gke2.mybinder.org/user/jupyterlab-contrib-rise-3i1fpld4/static/rise/6731.bundle.js:2
    u https://hub.gke2.mybinder.org/user/jupyterlab-contrib-rise-3i1fpld4/static/rise/6731.bundle.js:2
    activatePlugin https://hub.gke2.mybinder.org/user/jupyterlab-contrib-rise-3i1fpld4/static/rise/6731.bundle.js:2
    r https://hub.gke2.mybinder.org/user/jupyterlab-contrib-rise-3i1fpld4/static/rise/6731.bundle.js:2
    start https://hub.gke2.mybinder.org/user/jupyterlab-contrib-rise-3i1fpld4/static/rise/6731.bundle.js:2
    60880 https://hub.gke2.mybinder.org/user/jupyterlab-contrib-rise-3i1fpld4/static/rise/880.bundle.js:1
offline-notebook repoid: https://github.com/jupyterlab-contrib/rise 143.3a0a7be92ffa9c15c416.js:1:1057
offline-notebook repoLabel: GitHub 143.3a0a7be92ffa9c15c416.js:1:1189
offline-notebook binderRefUrl: https://github.com/jupyterlab-contrib/rise/tree/ad010e6b7fde6eb1584b13a15ae647107cc016bb 143.3a0a7be92ffa9c15c416.js:1:1254
offline-notebook binderPersistentUrl: https://mybinder.org/v2/gh/jupyterlab-contrib/rise/ad010e6b7fde6eb1584b13a15ae647107cc016bb 143.3a0a7be92ffa9c15c416.js:1:1329
Language pack 'en_US' not installed! 7819.bundle.js:1:5795
JupyterLab extension jupyterlab-rise is activated! 112.489c482bbad3766cb6f2.js:1:4453
SingleFile is hooking the IntersectionObserver API to detect and load deferred images. single-file-hooks-frames.js:1:531
Convert notebook /examples/README.ipynb to slideshow. 7825.bundle.js:1:4947
The resource from “https://hub.gke2.mybinder.org/user/jupyterlab-contrib-rise-3i1fpld4/rise/examples/static/components/MathJax/MathJax.js?config=TeX-AMS-MML_HTMLorMML-full,Safe&delayStartupUntil=configured” was blocked due to MIME type (“text/html”) mismatch (X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff). README.ipynb
Certains cookies utilisent incorrectement l’attribut recommandé « SameSite » 73
This page uses the non standard property “zoom”. Consider using calc() in the relevant property values, or using “transform” along with “transform-origin: 0 0”. README.ipynb
Certains cookies utilisent incorrectement l’attribut recommandé « SameSite » 107
Starting WebSocket: wss://hub.gke2.mybinder.org/user/jupyterlab-contrib-rise-3i1fpld4/api/kernels/de636a5c-7901-469b-b013-f96b715e70cd 3676.bundle.js:1:17619
Settings failed to load for (@jupyterlab/csvviewer-extension:csv) 
Array [ {…} ]
This may happen if {autoStart: false} in (@jupyterlab/csvviewer-extension:csv) or if it is one of the deferredExtensions in page config. 4030.bundle.js:1:3343
Settings failed to load for (@jupyterlab/cell-toolbar-extension:plugin) 
Array [ {…} ]
This may happen if {autoStart: false} in (@jupyterlab/cell-toolbar-extension:plugin) or if it is one of the deferredExtensions in page config. 4030.bundle.js:1:3343
Settings failed to load for (@jupyterlab/mainmenu-extension:plugin) 
Array [ {…} ]
This may happen if {autoStart: false} in (@jupyterlab/mainmenu-extension:plugin) or if it is one of the deferredExtensions in page config. 4030.bundle.js:1:3343
Settings failed to load for (@jupyterlab/htmlviewer-extension:plugin) 
Array [ {…} ]
This may happen if {autoStart: false} in (@jupyterlab/htmlviewer-extension:plugin) or if it is one of the deferredExtensions in page config. 4030.bundle.js:1:3343
Settings failed to load for (@jupyterlab/fileeditor-extension:plugin) 
Array [ {…} ]
This may happen if {autoStart: false} in (@jupyterlab/fileeditor-extension:plugin) or if it is one of the deferredExtensions in page config. 4030.bundle.js:1:3343
Settings failed to load for (@jupyterlab/filebrowser-extension:widget) 
Array [ {…} ]
This may happen if {autoStart: false} in (@jupyterlab/filebrowser-extension:widget) or if it is one of the deferredExtensions in page config. 4030.bundle.js:1:3343
Settings failed to load for (@jupyterlab/csvviewer-extension:tsv) 
Array [ {…} ]
This may happen if {autoStart: false} in (@jupyterlab/csvviewer-extension:tsv) or if it is one of the deferredExtensions in page config. 4030.bundle.js:1:3343
Comm not found for comm id ac357dbd-f760-4cdc-828a-48ad647fb5f6 jlab_core.3e11c5239452d671150c.js:2:1037513
Failed to fetch ipywidgets through the "jupyter.widget.control" comm channel, fallback to fetching individual model state. Reason: Control comm was closed too early 150.b0e841b75317744a7595.js:1:5783
[HTTP/2 200 OK 115ms]

Unknown property ‘-moz-outline-radius’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:283:23
Unknown property ‘-moz-osx-font-smoothing’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:639:29
Unknown property ‘-moz-osx-font-smoothing’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:1388:31
Error in parsing value for ‘-webkit-transition-duration’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:1530:31
Error in parsing value for ‘transition-duration’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:1531:31
Error in parsing value for ‘-webkit-transition-delay’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:1590:30
Error in parsing value for ‘transition-delay’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:1591:30
Error in parsing value for ‘-webkit-transition-delay’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:1608:30
Error in parsing value for ‘transition-delay’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:1609:30
Error in parsing value for ‘-webkit-transition-delay’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:1852:32
Error in parsing value for ‘transition-delay’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:1853:32
Error in parsing value for ‘-webkit-transition-delay’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:1868:32
Error in parsing value for ‘transition-delay’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:1869:32
Error in parsing value for ‘-webkit-transition-delay’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:1889:32
Error in parsing value for ‘transition-delay’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:1890:32
Error in parsing value for ‘-webkit-transition-delay’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:1905:32
Error in parsing value for ‘transition-delay’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:1906:32
Error in parsing value for ‘-webkit-transition-delay’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:1926:32
Error in parsing value for ‘transition-delay’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:1927:32
Error in parsing value for ‘-webkit-transition-delay’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:1942:32
Error in parsing value for ‘transition-delay’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:1943:32
Error in parsing value for ‘-webkit-transition-delay’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:1963:32
Error in parsing value for ‘transition-delay’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:1964:32
Error in parsing value for ‘-webkit-transition-delay’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:1979:32
Error in parsing value for ‘transition-delay’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:1980:32
Error in parsing value for ‘-webkit-transition-delay’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:2005:32
Error in parsing value for ‘transition-delay’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:2006:32
Error in parsing value for ‘-webkit-transition-delay’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:2023:32
Error in parsing value for ‘transition-delay’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:2024:32
Error in parsing value for ‘-webkit-transition-delay’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:2049:32
Error in parsing value for ‘transition-delay’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:2050:32
Error in parsing value for ‘-webkit-transition-delay’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:2067:32
Error in parsing value for ‘transition-delay’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:2068:32
Unknown pseudo-class or pseudo-element ‘-ms-input-placeholder’. Ruleset ignored due to bad selector. README.ipynb:2280:28
Unknown pseudo-class or pseudo-element ‘-ms-input-placeholder’. Ruleset ignored due to bad selector. README.ipynb:2283:28
Unknown pseudo-class or pseudo-element ‘-ms-clear’. Ruleset ignored due to bad selector. README.ipynb:2291:28
Unknown property ‘-moz-outline-radius’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:2575:25
Unknown property ‘-moz-outline-radius’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:2641:25
Ruleset ignored due to bad selector. README.ipynb:2796:72
Ruleset ignored due to bad selector. README.ipynb:2813:84
Unknown pseudo-class or pseudo-element ‘-ms-input-placeholder’. Ruleset ignored due to bad selector. README.ipynb:2869:26
Unknown pseudo-class or pseudo-element ‘-ms-input-placeholder’. Ruleset ignored due to bad selector. README.ipynb:2872:26
Ruleset ignored due to bad selector. README.ipynb:2918:35
Ruleset ignored due to bad selector. README.ipynb:2923:35
Ruleset ignored due to bad selector. README.ipynb:2928:35
Ruleset ignored due to bad selector. README.ipynb:2936:37
Unknown pseudo-class or pseudo-element ‘-ms-input-placeholder’. Ruleset ignored due to bad selector. README.ipynb:2971:38
Unknown pseudo-class or pseudo-element ‘-ms-input-placeholder’. Ruleset ignored due to bad selector. README.ipynb:2973:38
Ruleset ignored due to bad selector. README.ipynb:2995:47
Ruleset ignored due to bad selector. README.ipynb:2997:47
Ruleset ignored due to bad selector. README.ipynb:3001:47
Ruleset ignored due to bad selector. README.ipynb:3006:47
Ruleset ignored due to bad selector. README.ipynb:3012:49
Ruleset ignored due to bad selector. README.ipynb:3014:46
Unknown property ‘-moz-osx-font-smoothing’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:3132:31
Unknown pseudo-class or pseudo-element ‘-ms-input-placeholder’. Ruleset ignored due to bad selector. README.ipynb:3309:14
Unknown pseudo-class or pseudo-element ‘-ms-input-placeholder’. Ruleset ignored due to bad selector. README.ipynb:3312:14
Unknown pseudo-class or pseudo-element ‘-ms-input-placeholder’. Ruleset ignored due to bad selector. README.ipynb:3364:26
Unknown pseudo-class or pseudo-element ‘-ms-input-placeholder’. Ruleset ignored due to bad selector. README.ipynb:3366:26
Unknown pseudo-class or pseudo-element ‘-ms-clear’. Ruleset ignored due to bad selector. README.ipynb:3477:14
Unknown pseudo-class or pseudo-element ‘-ms-input-placeholder’. Ruleset ignored due to bad selector. README.ipynb:3496:34
Unknown pseudo-class or pseudo-element ‘-ms-input-placeholder’. Ruleset ignored due to bad selector. README.ipynb:3498:34
Unknown pseudo-class or pseudo-element ‘-ms-expand’. Ruleset ignored due to bad selector. README.ipynb:4002:27
Unknown property ‘-moz-osx-font-smoothing’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:4045:27
Unknown property ‘-moz-osx-font-smoothing’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:4257:27
Unknown property ‘-moz-osx-font-smoothing’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:4267:27
Unknown property ‘-moz-osx-font-smoothing’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:4278:29
Unknown property ‘-moz-osx-font-smoothing’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:5905:29
Unknown property ‘-moz-osx-font-smoothing’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:5939:31
Error in parsing value for ‘-webkit-transition-delay’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:6235:30
Error in parsing value for ‘transition-delay’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:6236:30
Error in parsing value for ‘-webkit-transition-delay’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:6247:30
Error in parsing value for ‘transition-delay’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:6248:30
Error in parsing value for ‘-webkit-transition-delay’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:6331:28
Error in parsing value for ‘transition-delay’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:6332:28
Error in parsing value for ‘-webkit-transition-delay’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:6351:28
Error in parsing value for ‘transition-delay’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:6352:28
Error in parsing value for ‘-webkit-transition-delay’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:6371:28
Error in parsing value for ‘transition-delay’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:6372:28
Error in parsing value for ‘-webkit-transition-delay’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:6391:28
Error in parsing value for ‘transition-delay’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:6392:28
Error in parsing value for ‘-webkit-transition-delay’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:6473:28
Error in parsing value for ‘transition-delay’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:6474:28
Error in parsing value for ‘-webkit-transition-delay’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:6493:28
Error in parsing value for ‘transition-delay’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:6494:28
Error in parsing value for ‘-webkit-transition-delay’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:6513:28
Error in parsing value for ‘transition-delay’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:6514:28
Error in parsing value for ‘-webkit-transition-delay’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:6533:28
Error in parsing value for ‘transition-delay’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:6534:28
Error in parsing value for ‘-webkit-transition-delay’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:6649:30
Error in parsing value for ‘transition-delay’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:6650:30
Error in parsing value for ‘-webkit-transition-delay’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:6665:30
Error in parsing value for ‘transition-delay’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:6666:30
Error in parsing value for ‘-webkit-transition-delay’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:6696:34
Error in parsing value for ‘transition-delay’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:6697:34
Error in parsing value for ‘-webkit-transition-delay’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:6712:34
Error in parsing value for ‘transition-delay’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:6713:34
Error in parsing value for ‘-webkit-transition-delay’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:6766:30
Error in parsing value for ‘transition-delay’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:6767:30
Error in parsing value for ‘-webkit-transition-delay’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:6778:30
Error in parsing value for ‘transition-delay’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:6779:30
Unknown property ‘-moz-outline-radius’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:7257:25
Error in parsing value for ‘-webkit-transform’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:7272:34
Error in parsing value for ‘transform’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:7273:34
Unknown property ‘-moz-outline-radius’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:7361:25
Unknown property ‘-moz-osx-font-smoothing’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:7569:29
Unknown property ‘-moz-outline-radius’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:7660:27
Unknown pseudo-class or pseudo-element ‘-ms-input-placeholder’. Ruleset ignored due to bad selector. README.ipynb:7724:47
Unknown pseudo-class or pseudo-element ‘-ms-input-placeholder’. Ruleset ignored due to bad selector. README.ipynb:7726:47
Unknown pseudo-class or pseudo-element ‘-ms-input-placeholder’. Ruleset ignored due to bad selector. README.ipynb:7759:20
Unknown pseudo-class or pseudo-element ‘-ms-input-placeholder’. Ruleset ignored due to bad selector. README.ipynb:7762:20
Error in parsing value for ‘-webkit-transition-delay’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:7792:30
Error in parsing value for ‘transition-delay’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:7793:30
Error in parsing value for ‘-webkit-transition-delay’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:7808:30
Error in parsing value for ‘transition-delay’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:7809:30
Error in parsing value for ‘-webkit-transition-delay’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:7826:30
Error in parsing value for ‘transition-delay’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:7827:30
Error in parsing value for ‘-webkit-transition-delay’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:8058:30
Error in parsing value for ‘transition-delay’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:8059:30
Error in parsing value for ‘-webkit-transition-delay’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:8074:30
Error in parsing value for ‘transition-delay’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:8075:30
Error in parsing value for ‘-webkit-transition-delay’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:21:30
Error in parsing value for ‘transition-delay’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:22:30
Error in parsing value for ‘-webkit-transition-delay’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:39:30
Error in parsing value for ‘transition-delay’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:40:30
Unknown property ‘-moz-outline-radius’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:51:23
Unknown property ‘-moz-osx-font-smoothing’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:5:54
Error in parsing value for ‘overflow’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:78:13
Unknown pseudo-class or pseudo-element ‘-ms-input-placeholder’. Ruleset ignored due to bad selector. README.ipynb:121:26
Unknown property ‘-moz-outline-radius’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:56:23
Unknown property ‘-moz-outline-radius’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:67:23
Unknown property ‘-moz-outline-radius’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:56:23
Ruleset ignored due to bad selector. README.ipynb:48:61
Ruleset ignored due to bad selector. README.ipynb:55:61
Ruleset ignored due to bad selector. README.ipynb:84:51
Ruleset ignored due to bad selector. README.ipynb:90:51
Ruleset ignored due to bad selector. README.ipynb:108:45
Ruleset ignored due to bad selector. README.ipynb:113:45
Unknown property ‘-moz-outline-radius’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:186:23
Unknown property ‘-moz-border-radius’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:244:22
Error in parsing value for ‘left’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:86:9
Error in parsing value for ‘top’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:87:8
Unknown property ‘-moz-outline-radius’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:231:23
Expected color but found ‘none’. Error in parsing value for ‘background-color’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:94:21
Error in parsing value for ‘content’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:1:174
Ruleset ignored due to bad selector. README.ipynb:1:1318
Error in parsing value for ‘display’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:1:2750
Unknown property ‘-moz-osx-font-smoothing’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:11:27
Unknown property ‘-moz-box-shadow’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:504:19
Unknown property ‘-moz-border-radius’. Declaration dropped. examples:1:94
Unknown property ‘-moz-box-shadow’. Declaration dropped. examples:1:217
Unknown property ‘-moz-border-radius’. Declaration dropped. examples:2:195
Unknown property ‘-moz-border-radius’. Declaration dropped. examples:1:478
Unknown property ‘-moz-box-shadow’. Declaration dropped. examples:1:607
Expected ‘none’, URL, or filter function but found ‘progid’. Error in parsing value for ‘filter’. Declaration dropped. examples:1:681
Unknown property ‘-moz-border-radius’. Declaration dropped. examples:3:430
Unknown property ‘-moz-box-shadow’. Declaration dropped. examples:3:557
Expected ‘none’, URL, or filter function but found ‘progid’. Error in parsing value for ‘filter’. Declaration dropped. examples:3:631
Unknown property ‘-moz-border-radius’. Declaration dropped. examples:21:174
Unknown property ‘-moz-border-radius’. Declaration dropped. examples:22:156
Unknown property ‘-moz-box-shadow’. Declaration dropped. examples:1:557
Expected ‘none’, URL, or filter function but found ‘progid’. Error in parsing value for ‘filter’. Declaration dropped. examples:1:629
Expected ‘none’, URL, or filter function but found ‘alpha(’. Error in parsing value for ‘filter’. Declaration dropped. examples:2:203
Expected ‘none’, URL, or filter function but found ‘alpha(’. Error in parsing value for ‘filter’. Declaration dropped. examples:4:178
Error in parsing value for ‘vertical-align’. Declaration dropped. examples:54:42
Unknown property ‘-moz-box-shadow’. Declaration dropped. examples:5:185
Expected ‘none’, URL, or filter function but found ‘progid’. Error in parsing value for ‘filter’. Declaration dropped. examples:5:255
Expected ‘none’, URL, or filter function but found ‘alpha(’. Error in parsing value for ‘filter’. Declaration dropped. examples:26:80
Error in parsing value for ‘vertical-align’. Declaration dropped. examples:30:36
Unknown property ‘-moz-outline-radius’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:283:23
Unknown property ‘-moz-osx-font-smoothing’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:638:29
Unknown property ‘-moz-osx-font-smoothing’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:1387:31
Error in parsing value for ‘-webkit-transition-duration’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:1529:31
Error in parsing value for ‘transition-duration’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:1530:31
Error in parsing value for ‘-webkit-transition-delay’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:1587:30
Error in parsing value for ‘transition-delay’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:1588:30
Error in parsing value for ‘-webkit-transition-delay’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:1605:30
Error in parsing value for ‘transition-delay’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:1606:30
Error in parsing value for ‘-webkit-transition-delay’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:1863:32
Error in parsing value for ‘transition-delay’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:1864:32
Error in parsing value for ‘-webkit-transition-delay’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:1879:32
Error in parsing value for ‘transition-delay’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:1880:32
Error in parsing value for ‘-webkit-transition-delay’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:1900:32
Error in parsing value for ‘transition-delay’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:1901:32
Error in parsing value for ‘-webkit-transition-delay’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:1916:32
Error in parsing value for ‘transition-delay’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:1917:32
Error in parsing value for ‘-webkit-transition-delay’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:1937:32
Error in parsing value for ‘transition-delay’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:1938:32
Error in parsing value for ‘-webkit-transition-delay’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:1953:32
Error in parsing value for ‘transition-delay’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:1954:32
Error in parsing value for ‘-webkit-transition-delay’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:1974:32
Error in parsing value for ‘transition-delay’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:1975:32
Error in parsing value for ‘-webkit-transition-delay’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:1990:32
Error in parsing value for ‘transition-delay’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:1991:32
Error in parsing value for ‘-webkit-transition-delay’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:2016:32
Error in parsing value for ‘transition-delay’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:2017:32
Error in parsing value for ‘-webkit-transition-delay’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:2034:32
Error in parsing value for ‘transition-delay’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:2035:32
Error in parsing value for ‘-webkit-transition-delay’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:2060:32
Error in parsing value for ‘transition-delay’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:2061:32
Error in parsing value for ‘-webkit-transition-delay’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:2078:32
Error in parsing value for ‘transition-delay’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:2079:32
Unknown pseudo-class or pseudo-element ‘-ms-input-placeholder’. Ruleset ignored due to bad selector. README.ipynb:2291:28
Unknown pseudo-class or pseudo-element ‘-ms-input-placeholder’. Ruleset ignored due to bad selector. README.ipynb:2294:28
Unknown pseudo-class or pseudo-element ‘-ms-clear’. Ruleset ignored due to bad selector. README.ipynb:2302:28
Unknown property ‘-moz-outline-radius’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:2586:25
Unknown property ‘-moz-outline-radius’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:2652:25
Ruleset ignored due to bad selector. README.ipynb:2807:72
Ruleset ignored due to bad selector. README.ipynb:2824:84
Unknown pseudo-class or pseudo-element ‘-ms-input-placeholder’. Ruleset ignored due to bad selector. README.ipynb:2880:26
Unknown pseudo-class or pseudo-element ‘-ms-input-placeholder’. Ruleset ignored due to bad selector. README.ipynb:2883:26
Ruleset ignored due to bad selector. README.ipynb:2929:35
Ruleset ignored due to bad selector. README.ipynb:2934:35
Ruleset ignored due to bad selector. README.ipynb:2939:35
Ruleset ignored due to bad selector. README.ipynb:2947:37
Unknown pseudo-class or pseudo-element ‘-ms-input-placeholder’. Ruleset ignored due to bad selector. README.ipynb:2982:38
Unknown pseudo-class or pseudo-element ‘-ms-input-placeholder’. Ruleset ignored due to bad selector. README.ipynb:2984:38
Ruleset ignored due to bad selector. README.ipynb:3006:47
Ruleset ignored due to bad selector. README.ipynb:3008:47
Ruleset ignored due to bad selector. README.ipynb:3012:47
Ruleset ignored due to bad selector. README.ipynb:3017:47
Ruleset ignored due to bad selector. README.ipynb:3023:49
Ruleset ignored due to bad selector. README.ipynb:3025:46
Unknown property ‘-moz-osx-font-smoothing’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:3157:31
Unknown pseudo-class or pseudo-element ‘-ms-input-placeholder’. Ruleset ignored due to bad selector. README.ipynb:3334:14
Unknown pseudo-class or pseudo-element ‘-ms-input-placeholder’. Ruleset ignored due to bad selector. README.ipynb:3337:14
Unknown pseudo-class or pseudo-element ‘-ms-input-placeholder’. Ruleset ignored due to bad selector. README.ipynb:3389:26
Unknown pseudo-class or pseudo-element ‘-ms-input-placeholder’. Ruleset ignored due to bad selector. README.ipynb:3391:26
Unknown pseudo-class or pseudo-element ‘-ms-clear’. Ruleset ignored due to bad selector. README.ipynb:3502:14
Unknown pseudo-class or pseudo-element ‘-ms-input-placeholder’. Ruleset ignored due to bad selector. README.ipynb:3521:34
Unknown pseudo-class or pseudo-element ‘-ms-input-placeholder’. Ruleset ignored due to bad selector. README.ipynb:3523:34
Unknown pseudo-class or pseudo-element ‘-ms-expand’. Ruleset ignored due to bad selector. README.ipynb:4027:27
Unknown property ‘-moz-osx-font-smoothing’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:4070:27
Unknown property ‘-moz-osx-font-smoothing’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:4281:27
Unknown property ‘-moz-osx-font-smoothing’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:4291:27
Unknown property ‘-moz-osx-font-smoothing’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:4302:29
Unknown property ‘-moz-osx-font-smoothing’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:5929:29
Unknown property ‘-moz-osx-font-smoothing’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:5963:31
Error in parsing value for ‘-webkit-transition-delay’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:6258:30
Error in parsing value for ‘transition-delay’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:6259:30
Error in parsing value for ‘-webkit-transition-delay’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:6270:30
Error in parsing value for ‘transition-delay’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:6271:30
Error in parsing value for ‘-webkit-transition-delay’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:6354:28
Error in parsing value for ‘transition-delay’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:6355:28
Error in parsing value for ‘-webkit-transition-delay’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:6374:28
Error in parsing value for ‘transition-delay’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:6375:28
Error in parsing value for ‘-webkit-transition-delay’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:6394:28
Error in parsing value for ‘transition-delay’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:6395:28
Error in parsing value for ‘-webkit-transition-delay’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:6414:28
Error in parsing value for ‘transition-delay’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:6415:28
Error in parsing value for ‘-webkit-transition-delay’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:6496:28
Error in parsing value for ‘transition-delay’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:6497:28
Error in parsing value for ‘-webkit-transition-delay’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:6516:28
Error in parsing value for ‘transition-delay’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:6517:28
Error in parsing value for ‘-webkit-transition-delay’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:6536:28
Error in parsing value for ‘transition-delay’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:6537:28
Error in parsing value for ‘-webkit-transition-delay’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:6556:28
Error in parsing value for ‘transition-delay’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:6557:28
Error in parsing value for ‘-webkit-transition-delay’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:6674:30
Error in parsing value for ‘transition-delay’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:6675:30
Error in parsing value for ‘-webkit-transition-delay’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:6690:30
Error in parsing value for ‘transition-delay’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:6691:30
Error in parsing value for ‘-webkit-transition-delay’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:6721:34
Error in parsing value for ‘transition-delay’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:6722:34
Error in parsing value for ‘-webkit-transition-delay’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:6737:34
Error in parsing value for ‘transition-delay’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:6738:34
Error in parsing value for ‘-webkit-transition-delay’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:6795:30
Error in parsing value for ‘transition-delay’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:6796:30
Error in parsing value for ‘-webkit-transition-delay’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:6807:30
Error in parsing value for ‘transition-delay’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:6808:30
Unknown property ‘-moz-outline-radius’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:7284:25
Error in parsing value for ‘-webkit-transform’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:7299:34
Error in parsing value for ‘transform’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:7300:34
Unknown property ‘-moz-outline-radius’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:7388:25
Unknown property ‘-moz-osx-font-smoothing’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:7596:29
Unknown property ‘-moz-outline-radius’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:7687:27
Unknown pseudo-class or pseudo-element ‘-ms-input-placeholder’. Ruleset ignored due to bad selector. README.ipynb:7751:47
Unknown pseudo-class or pseudo-element ‘-ms-input-placeholder’. Ruleset ignored due to bad selector. README.ipynb:7753:47
Unknown pseudo-class or pseudo-element ‘-ms-input-placeholder’. Ruleset ignored due to bad selector. README.ipynb:7786:20
Unknown pseudo-class or pseudo-element ‘-ms-input-placeholder’. Ruleset ignored due to bad selector. README.ipynb:7789:20
Error in parsing value for ‘-webkit-transition-delay’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:7819:30
Error in parsing value for ‘transition-delay’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:7820:30
Error in parsing value for ‘-webkit-transition-delay’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:7835:30
Error in parsing value for ‘transition-delay’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:7836:30
Error in parsing value for ‘-webkit-transition-delay’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:7853:30
Error in parsing value for ‘transition-delay’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:7854:30
Error in parsing value for ‘-webkit-transition-delay’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:8087:30
Error in parsing value for ‘transition-delay’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:8088:30
Error in parsing value for ‘-webkit-transition-delay’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:8103:30
Error in parsing value for ‘transition-delay’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:8104:30
Error in parsing value for ‘-webkit-transition-delay’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:21:30
Error in parsing value for ‘transition-delay’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:22:30
Error in parsing value for ‘-webkit-transition-delay’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:39:30
Error in parsing value for ‘transition-delay’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:40:30
Unknown property ‘-moz-outline-radius’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:51:23
Unknown property ‘-moz-osx-font-smoothing’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:5:54
Error in parsing value for ‘overflow’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:78:13
Unknown pseudo-class or pseudo-element ‘-ms-input-placeholder’. Ruleset ignored due to bad selector. README.ipynb:121:26
Unknown property ‘-moz-outline-radius’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:56:23
Unknown property ‘-moz-outline-radius’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:67:23
Ruleset ignored due to bad selector. README.ipynb:48:61
Ruleset ignored due to bad selector. README.ipynb:55:61
Ruleset ignored due to bad selector. README.ipynb:84:51
Ruleset ignored due to bad selector. README.ipynb:90:51
Ruleset ignored due to bad selector. README.ipynb:108:45
Ruleset ignored due to bad selector. README.ipynb:113:45
Unknown property ‘-moz-border-radius’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:244:22
Unknown property ‘zoom’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:8:41650
Unknown property ‘zoom’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:8:45164
Ruleset ignored due to bad selector. README.ipynb:354:34
Error in parsing value for ‘content’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:1:174
Ruleset ignored due to bad selector. README.ipynb:1:1318
Error in parsing value for ‘display’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:1:2750
Unknown property ‘-moz-osx-font-smoothing’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:11:27
Unknown property ‘-moz-box-shadow’. Declaration dropped. README.ipynb:504:19
[HTTP/2 200 OK 113ms]

[HTTP/2 200 OK 114ms]

[HTTP/2 200 OK 112ms]

[HTTP/2 200 OK 122ms]

[HTTP/2 200 OK 120ms]

[HTTP/2 200 OK 131ms]

[HTTP/2 301 Moved Permanently 0ms]

[HTTP/2 200 OK 0ms]

[HTTP/2 200 OK 115ms]

[HTTP/2 200 OK 115ms]

Last saving performed Thu Feb 16 2023 18:13:46 GMT+0100 (heure normale d’Europe centrale) while the current file seems to have been saved Thu Feb 16 2023 18:15:47 GMT+0100 (heure normale d’Europe centrale) context.js:702:16
[HTTP/2 200 OK 120ms]

[HTTP/2 200 OK 126ms]

[HTTP/2 200 OK 114ms]

[HTTP/2 301 Moved Permanently 0ms]

[HTTP/2 200 OK 0ms]

[HTTP/2 200 OK 114ms]

[HTTP/2 200 OK 113ms]

[HTTP/2 200 OK 113ms]

[HTTP/2 200 OK 114ms]

[HTTP/2 200 OK 114ms]

[HTTP/2 200 OK 135ms]

[HTTP/2 200 OK 118ms]

[HTTP/2 301 Moved Permanently 0ms]

[HTTP/2 200 OK 0ms]

[HTTP/2 200 OK 120ms]

[HTTP/2 200 OK 293ms]

[HTTP/2 200 OK 221ms]

[HTTP/2 301 Moved Permanently 0ms]

[HTTP/2 200 OK 0ms]

[HTTP/2 200 OK 423ms]

[HTTP/2 200 OK 115ms]

[HTTP/2 200 OK 116ms]

[HTTP/2 200 OK 113ms]

[HTTP/2 200 OK 114ms]

[HTTP/2 200 OK 113ms]

[HTTP/2 200 OK 129ms]

[HTTP/2 301 Moved Permanently 0ms]

[HTTP/2 200 OK 0ms]

[HTTP/2 200 OK 122ms]

[HTTP/2 200 OK 123ms]

[HTTP/2 200 OK 132ms]

[HTTP/2 301 Moved Permanently 0ms]

[HTTP/2 200 OK 0ms]

[HTTP/2 200 OK 113ms]

[HTTP/2 301 Moved Permanently 113ms]

[HTTP/2 301 Moved Permanently 0ms]

[HTTP/2 200 OK 0ms]

[HTTP/2 200 OK 115ms]

[HTTP/2 200 OK 116ms]

[HTTP/2 200 OK 115ms]

[HTTP/2 200 OK 114ms]

[HTTP/2 200 OK 115ms]

[HTTP/2 200 OK 127ms]

[HTTP/2 301 Moved Permanently 0ms]

[HTTP/2 200 OK 0ms]

[HTTP/2 200 OK 120ms]

[HTTP/2 200 OK 113ms]

[HTTP/2 200 OK 130ms]

[HTTP/2 301 Moved Permanently 0ms]

[HTTP/2 200 OK 0ms]

[HTTP/2 200 OK 114ms]

[HTTP/2 200 OK 111ms]

[HTTP/2 200 OK 571ms]

[HTTP/2 200 OK 121ms]

[HTTP/2 200 OK 112ms]

[HTTP/2 200 OK 114ms]

[HTTP/2 200 OK 127ms]

[HTTP/2 301 Moved Permanently 0ms]

[HTTP/2 200 OK 0ms]

Context: been impressed by how fast the previous bug was fixed and released!
This has motivated me to take the time to file bugs for a few little annoyances.

And also to be bold and have our 200 students here discover slides in JupyterLab
next week :-) (last year, we were using Jupyter). Expect serious testing!

Works indeed for me now :-)