
Cells editing has strange behaviour when pressing keys

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  1. When editing cell content in the slide some strokes (like s, t, ...) are captured instead of be printed as regular characters.
  2. Characters appear not under the cursor


  • JupyterLab 3.5.3
  • jupyterlab_rise 0.2.0

I confirm that strokes that have a special meaning for rise are captured instead of being inserted here, with jupyterlab 4.0.5 and jupyterlab-rise 0.40.2.

This prevents any non trivial editing in code / markdown cells; e.g. live coding in slides. Hence a blocker for teaching.

I can reproduce this too! This is a major block for using RISE in classes as we used to pre-JLab 4+.

I am experiencing the same thing. Downgrading to notebook 6.* for the time being.

I can relate to this problem.

I started to use RISE before Notebook 7 was a thing. Now I just tried to use it again and discovered that it's deprecated alongside Notebook 6.

I needed to downgrade to Notebook 6 to be able to use RISE again.

This is a huge blocker for using RISE when live coding on slideshow mode.

I tried downgrading to jupyterlab 3.6.6 and jupyterlab-rise 0.3.0 but it still does not work. Did anyone find a workaround?

+1 to this issue, I tried to use JupyterLab + RISE for my first day of class but had to drop out of RISE in the middle of lecture when I couldn't type certain characters in slideshow mode code cells.

It seems that the shortcuts listed in packages/lab/schema/plugin.json have selectors that target .lm-Widget.reveal which doesn't account for whether or not a slide is in edit or command mode, meaning the keys are captured even when the cell is being actively edited. I believe the selectors should actually target .lm-Widget.slides.jp-mod-commandMode.

I am working on a PR which should only allow the shortcuts when the slide is in command mode.

Thank you!