
NYU Handoff

Opened this issue · 1 comments

All of these items should be completed before our demo to NYU

Ready for Review:

  • Binder link works
  • Dev docs up to date
  • User facing docs include user stories and instructions
  • GitHub issues and milestones for current and future work are up to date
    • Issue and PR templates.
    • Appropriate labels exist and are applied to issues/PRs.
    • Milestone for current and next release exists.
    • Issues and PRs are targeted to appropriate Milestone.
  • Test Suite up to date #46
    • Setup testing infrastructure for local and CI based tests.
    • Documented on how to run test suite locally.


  • Binder link works
  • Dev docs up to date
  • User facing docs include user stories and instructions
  • GitHub issues and milestones for current and future work are up to date
    • Issue and PR templates.
    • Appropriate labels exist and are applied to issues/PRs.
    • Milestone for current and next release exists.
    • Issues and PRs are targeted to appropriate Milestone.
  • Test Suite up to date #46
    • Setup testing infrastructure for local and CI based tests.
    • Documented on how to run test suite locally.
      Please make a comment below to note which of the items you've reviewed as you check items off the list.