
dotnet core kernel and node ObservableHQ Bridge

PrestigeDevop opened this issue · 0 comments


I would like it if we could use dotnet core kernel then display the content in html using ObservableHQ []

Use cases:

-dotnet-CLR -repl

  • taking advantage of dotnet DLR ,foreign code interop and CIL bytecode.
  • utilizing onnx interference runtime and deployment in most platform natively with enhanced performance .
  • cross platform native deamon/services communication protocol to bridge plugins with native messaging in client apps
    --automation with powershell?
  • interactive programming/learning += desktop editors in mobile through web RWD+PWA .
    --blazor in notebook?
  • interactive data plotting and visualization displayed in html with widget and web component .
  • [Multi-language notebooks&variable sharing] within the same notebook

Proposed Solution

Add an option to switch computing kernel so we cloud use dotnet libraries usage example

Additional context
