
[Request] when episodes missing thumbnail artwork it shows poster, instead of landscape backdrop/fanart

Nuklear92 opened this issue ยท 7 comments

Is there a possibility to fix episode artwork to show landscape background backdrop/fanart instead of the show poster slapped in the middle of the landscape box when the episode doesn't have an official artwork, it looks quite bad. This happens in every type of media view that provides a landscape artwork box for Episodes (Media Views).


Eminence v2 build: 4.1.3
Kodi build: 19.2 Stable
Device: Nvidia Shield TV

Is this only with specific shows? Because it appears to be working fine for me

Using "Your Next Episodes" list in TMDbHelper with Media Info 2 view:

Also using Fen media 2 view also looks to be all fine.


Is this only with specific shows? Because it appears to be working fine for me

Using "Your Next Episodes" list in TMDbHelper with Media Info 2 view:


It works good when the Episode has an official artwork but when it's missing one like the one in the picture I shared instead of showing the background backdrop/fanart landscape it shows the Poster of the show instead in the landscape box.

Example: Go to the TV Show: Wu-Tang Clan: An American Saga S02-E05 then go to Episode 6-7 which still Tmdb hasn't updated artwork in it. And you'll notice how instead of showing the background backdrop/fanart in the Landscape box, it instead shows the show poster. You can also try the same show I have in the screenshot I share; The Outpost S04-E12 has an official artwork which shows fine but go to the E13 and you'll see the same pattern as Wu-Tang Clan or any other show's current live Season which usually has some of the latest Episodes without official Artwork.

Possible that art is missing from tmdb or fanart.

Oh, wait... looking at your screenshot better it's showing the Backdrop correctly. I don't understand why it doesn't in my end. I mean I don't seem to have any wrong setting for this to be happening. And it's not only in "Your Next Episodes" it's also while going directly into the TV show itself. ๐Ÿค”

Yeah I've narrowed it down to a pre-Matrix legacy thing in TMDbHelper.

Prior to Matrix, ListItem.Art(thumb) and ListItem.Icon were aliases. Every item needs to have an Icon so I was using Poster as a fallback because most viewtypes using ListItem.Icon expect posters. So if there was no thumbnail available on TMDb, Art(thumb) was filled with the poster (and so the skin sees that there's an Art(thumb) to use and shows it).

In Matrix, Icon was separated from Art(thumb) so is it's own thing now like Art(poster) or Art(fanart) -- Which means I shouldn't need to set a fallback for it and should be able to leave it empty (which means the skin will see it is empty and use Art(fanart) instead). I'll push a fix to TMDbH soon once I've done some testing to make sure it doesn't break anything.

Thanks! By the way I made a small clip showing the issue live. But thankfully you seem to know exactly what I mean by now. ๐Ÿ™‚
