
Personal website behind juriansluiman.nl

Primary LanguageHTML


This repository contains the project powering juriansluiman.nl. The site enables a blog and some static ages, all powered by the Slim PHP microframework. The source is put online to help others with similar projects. If you see any bug, please don't hesitate to send in a pull request!


The repository is a PHP project using composer for the PHP dependencies, Bower for its frontend dependencies and gulp to compile the stylesheets & javascript files.

Install composer, run composer install. Next, install Bower and Gulp and run bower install and npm install. Thereafter, run gulp to compile the static files.

If your webserver is set up correctly, the site should display just fine.


The site is using Slim, ran via the app.php in the root of this project. All endpoints are defined in app/controllers.php. Feel free to have a look around.

The blog articles are stored in Redis, a fast and powerful key-value store.