
Information: A very short Introduction

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by Luciano Floridi
Language is ... academic. Probably understanding 30% with a bunch of re-reads.

chapter 4. p. 51:

Shattering of knowledge to information.

The second advantage is that [DEF] forges a robust and intuitive link between factual semantic information and knowledge. Knowledge encapsulates truth because it encapsulates semantic information, which, in turn, encapsulates truth, as in a three dolls matryoshka, Knowledge and information are members of the same conceptual family. What the former enjoys and the latter lacks, over and above their family resemblance, is the web of mutual relations that allow one part of it to account for another. Shatter that, and you are left with a pile of truths or a random list of bits of information that cannot help to make sense of the reality they seek to address. Build or reconstruct that network of relations, and information starts providing that overall view of the world which we associate with the best of our epistemic efforts. So once some information is available, knowledge can be built in terms of explanations or accounts that make sense of the available semantic information. John knows that the battery is flat not by merely guessing rightly, but because he connects into a correct account the visual information that the red light of the low-battery indicator is flashing, with the acoustic information that the engine is not making any noise, and with the overall impression that the car is not starting. In this sense, semantic information is the essential starting point of any scientific investigation.

This is very applicable to browser and how they treat information, shattering everything into tabs.