
How to extend Aimybox Assistant to different Activities?

Tedcas opened this issue · 5 comments


I'm working in a new project where I need a custom voice assistant in my android app. I tried this example Project and everything works perfectly, however, if I go from MainActivity to another activity and I try to load the assistant on this new activity, tts, stt and wake word doesn't work, I press the floating button and the assitant does its animation, but thats all, my question is, How can I implement something like the example project but extending the assistant in all the activities?

Thank you very much in advance.

Are you initializing the Aimybox object from the Application instance, like in the example?
Can you send code snippet with the second activity?
I added second activity to example project, copied code of first activity and everything started correctly on each of activities.

Are you initializing the Aimybox object from the Application instance, like in the example?
Can you send code snippet with the second activity?
I added second activity to example project, copied code of first activity and everything started correctly on each of activities.

Hi, first of all many thanks for your reply ¡, I'm sorry I couldn't reply you earlier, answering your question, yes I'm initializing the Aimybox object from Application instance like the example, here is my code for that I've modified it a little bit to adjust to my project:

class AimyboxApplication : Application(), AimyboxProvider {

override val aimybox by lazy {

fun createAimybox(context: Context): Aimybox {
    val assetsKaldi = KaldiAssets.fromApkAssets(context, "vosk-model-small-es-0.3")

    val unitId = UUID.randomUUID().toString()
    val voiceTrigger = KaldiVoiceTrigger(assetsKaldi, listOf(context.getString(R.string.wakeWord1), context.getString(R.string.wakeWord2), context.getString(R.string.wakeWord3)))

    val textToSpeech =   GooglePlatformTextToSpeech(context, Locale.getDefault())

    val speechToText = GooglePlatformSpeechToText(context, Locale.getDefault())

    val RasaBot = BotEngine(
            activators = arrayOf(

    val dialogApi = JAICFDialogApi(unitId, RasaBot)

    return Aimybox(Config.create(speechToText, textToSpeech, dialogApi) {
        this.voiceTrigger = voiceTrigger

And this is the class I use to create the Assistant in every class of my project:

class VoiceAssistant constructor(context: Context, container: Int) : Serializable, ActivitiesFather() {

var context = context as AppCompatActivity
var containerID = container
    get() = field

fun callAssistant(): AimyboxAssistantFragment? {
    if (AskForPermission(context, Manifest.permission.RECORD_AUDIO, MIC_PERMISSION))
        return drawAssitant()
        return null

fun drawAssitant(): AimyboxAssistantFragment {
    //Set the context of the Scenario to let it control the app UI
    MainScenario.Mycontext = context


    val aimyboxAssistantFragment = AimyboxAssistantFragment()

    context.supportFragmentManager.beginTransaction().apply {
        this.replace(containerID, aimyboxAssistantFragment)
        runOnUiThread {
            val bottomUp = AnimationUtils.loadAnimation(context, R.anim.bottom_up)
            bottomUp.duration = 500
            val aimyboxButton: View = aimyboxAssistantFragment.requireView().findViewById(R.id.fragment_aimybox_assistant_button)

    return aimyboxAssistantFragment

fun onBackPressedAssistant(): Boolean? {
    val assistantFragment = (context.supportFragmentManager.findFragmentById(containerID)
            as? AimyboxAssistantFragment)
    if(assistantFragment != null)
     return assistantFragment.onBackPressed()
        return false;

So in Activity 1 I call the following methods on onCreate():

       voiceAssistant = new VoiceAssistant(this, R.id.assistant_container);

And then in the next activity I do the same (I simplified this step, calling those two statements in the father of all the Activities of my project)

I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong, I must admit I'm not used to Kotlin (nowadays I'm learning the language) and I could make a misstake there.

Again many thanks for your help in advance.

Hi, it's been a while since my last posr, after doing some tests I've realized that the problem only happens when I use KaldiVoiceTrigger with the TTS, STT and DialogApi together, if I disable the KaldiVoiceTrigger system, all works perfectly. I've try updating all the dependencies to the last version, but nothing change.

does KaldiVoiceTrigger work perfectly for you folks? @bgubanov @Tedcas
For me, it just triggers every time I say anything! Let me know thanks.