SD card failing to initialize
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Hi all,
I have built the M5stickc plus sd backpack. I have double checked all of my solder joints and connections to make sure I have each one correct. When I plug the unit into the board and power on, the boot screen loads and the card fails to initialize. I have tried a bunch of different sized cards to no success. I have read in the notes that fat32 and less than 32gb is required. With the correct card specs this still didn’t work. I had a friend bring his continuity meter over to double check my solder joints. He says everything is wired up correctly according to the wiring diagram I showed him. I am currently using 1.0 but I see there is a new version out so I might give that a go. Haven’t read the release notes about it so that might not work anyhow. I assume others are in the same position with this issue, as I have read about other devices having the same problem.