How to interrupt localhost traffic?
ljh1991125 opened this issue · 2 comments
ljh1991125 commented
I am using Titanium Proxy 3.1.1397.
Generally it works very well.
But there is one problem.
If it is localhost traffic, the proxy does not seem to be able to handle it.
For example, if i type http://localhost/index.php, it is not detected by Proxy's OnRequest Callback.
I need to redirect localhost traffic to server.
This is my source code.
proxyServer.BeforeRequest += OnRequest;
proxyServer.BeforeResponse += OnResponse;
proxyServer.ServerCertificateValidationCallback += OnCertificateValidation;
proxyServer.ClientCertificateSelectionCallback += OnCertificateSelection;
proxyServer.EnableTcpServerConnectionPrefetch = false;
proxyServer.EnableConnectionPool = false;
explicitEndPoint = new ExplicitProxyEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 8000, true)
Thank you for your help.
honfika commented
How do you set to use the proxy? Manually in your OS/broswer? Usualy you have to enable it for localhost separatly.
Enumix commented
I've made a comment in another thread which explains how to do it:
#954 (comment)