
Not receiving push notification

faheem-riaz opened this issue · 3 comments

  1. Created a pass
  2. Send it to ios device and added the pass. Got the logs and device pushToken.
  3. I updated the pass from the code like change the foreground color and expiry date.
  4. Send the notification to the pushToken I receive in step 2.
  5. Webservice is getting triggered but I did not get notification on my iOS device and also pass is not updated.

What types of calls you receive at step (5)? As far as I remember, first you will receive GetAssociatedPasses() with last-timestamp and you should response with list of passes that were updated since that time, and after that you'll receive GetPass() for each updated pass.

@justdmitry After digging in I found out I have missed this endpoint
After adding it My pass is updated but I am not getting Any notification. I am creating a coupon and I change the expire and its working. but still no notification received.

How could you miss one endpoint while implementing IPassKitService???

And what notifications you talk about now - about onscreen popups? IIRC it shows only when you change values of fields displayed on pass front face.